According to the U.S. government, a new Hosta cultivar is an "invention". Therefore, it is eligible to receive a patent, just like Edison's electric light bulb. In the case of hostas and other plants, a patent means that for the next 20 years, nobody may propagate and sell this cultivar without providing compensation to the owner of the patent. This is a different process than registering a Hosta with The American Hosta Society.

Listed below are 104 Hosta cultivars which have been granted a U.S. Plant Patent or have made application for one but have not yet been approved.





  1. H. 'Eclipse'
  2. H. 'El Nino'
  3. H. 'Empress Wu'
  4. H. 'Eskimo Pie'
  5. H. 'Eye Declare'

  1. H. 'Hands Up'
  2. H. 'Hanky Panky'
  3. H. 'High Society'



  1. H. 'Journey's End'
  2. H. 'June Fever'
  3. H. 'June Spirit'
  4. H. 'Justine'

  1. H. 'Karin'




  1. H. 'Neptune'











  1. H. 'Volcano Island'









The Hosta Helper
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