The present invention relates to a new and distinct
cultivar of Hosta plant botanically known as Hosta hybrid and hereinafter referred to by the
cultivar name 'Little Treasure'.
The new Hosta cultivar is a naturally-occurring
sport of 'Little Jay’, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 11/704,810,
characterized by lance-shaped, dwarf-sized, leaves with
blue green margins, light yellow to creamy leaf centers,
vertical flower scapes with light purple flowers,
suitable for landscape, potted culture, or cut flower
arrangements. The new cultivar was discovered as a whole
plant and selected during August 2005 in a controlled
environment at Barneveld, The Netherlands.
Asexual reproduction of the new Hosta by division and
tissue culture in a controlled environment in Barneveld,
The Netherlands since 2005, has shown that the unique
features of this new Hosta are stable and reproduced
true to type in successive generations.
The following characteristics of the new cultivar have
been repeatedly observed and can be used to distinguish 'Little Treasure' as a new and distinct cultivar of Hosta Plant:
1. Broadly spreading foliage with upright flower scapes;
2. Widely-margined green and light yellow variegated
3. Violet-colored flowers that are positioned above the
foliage on strong scapes; and
4. Good garden performance.
Of the many commercially available Hosta
cultivars, the most similar in comparison to the new
cultivar is the parent cultivar 'Little Jay’, U.S. Plant
Pat. No. 19,539. However, in side by side comparisons,
plants of the new cultivar differ from its parent, in
leaf color and width of the leaf margin.
The accompanying photographs show, as nearly true as it
is reasonably possible to make the same in color
illustrations of this type, typical flower and foliage
characteristics of the new cultivar. Colors in the
photographs differ slightly from the color values cited
in the detailed description, which accurately describes
the colors of 'Little Treasure'. The plants were grown
outdoors in 3-liter containers for approximately two
years in Barneveld, The Netherlands.
The photograph on the first sheet is a side perspective
view of typical plants of 'Little Treasure' grown in an
outdoor nursery.
The photograph at the top of the second sheet is a
close-up view of a typical leaf of 'Little Treasure'.
The photograph at the bottom of the second sheet is a
close-up view of a typical inflorescence of 'Little Treasure'.
The new cultivar has not been observed under all
possible environmental conditions to date. Accordingly,
it is possible that the phenotype may vary somewhat with
variations in the environment, such as temperature,
light intensity, and day length, without, however, any
variance in genotype.
The chart used in the identification of colors described
herein is The The
Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, London, England, 2001 edition,
except where general color terms of ordinary
significance are used. The color values were determined
in June 2008 under natural light conditions in
Barneveld, The Netherlands when day temperatures ranged
from 12° C. to 31° C. (53° ° F. to 88° F.) and night
temperatures ranged from 4° C. to 16° C. (39° F. to 61°
Plants used in the following description were grown in
Barneveld, The Netherlands, in an outdoor nursery in
3-liter containers and under conditions which closely
approximate commercial production conditions. The plants
were grown for approximately two years when the
description was taken. Measurements and numerical values
represent averages of typical plants.
+ Botanical Classification: Hosta hybrid cultivar
Little Treasure.
+ Parentage: Naturally-occurring sport of Hosta
hybrid 'Little Jay’, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 19,539.
+ Propagation:
Type: In vitro
propagation utilizing typical methods for Hosta
is preferred, garden division is also possible.
Time to initiate roots: Approximately
20 days at a temperature of approximately 15° C.
Time to produce a rooted Plant: Approximately
50 days at a temperature of approximately 15° C.
Root description: Medium
thickness, fibrous; creamy white in color.
Rooting habit: Moderately
branching, moderate density.
+ Plant description:
Growth habit and general appearance: Herbaceous
flowering perennial plant. Broadly spreading foliage
with upright flower scapes. Flowering stems and leaves
basal rosettes; moderately vigorous growth habit.
Violet-colored flowers are positioned above the foliage
on strong scapes.
Crop time: Approximately
20 weeks from tissue culture plantlets to finish in an
11 cm (4.3 in.) container.
Size: Plant
height (soil level to top of foliar plane):
Approximately 18.1 cm. Plant height (soil level to top
of inflorescences): Approximately 44.8 cm (1.9 in.) . Plant width
(spread): Approximately 44.4.0 cm (1.6 in.) .
+ Foliage description:
General description: Leaves
basal, simple with approximately 6 per basal rosette,
generally symmetrical and long-persisting.
Leaves: Shape:
Ovate to slightly carinate. Appearance: Dull. Apex:
Apiculate. Base: Obtuse to attenuate. Margin: Entire.
Length: Approximately 10.3 cm (1.2 in.) . Width: Approximately 6.3 cm (1.2 in.) . Texture of upper and lower surfaces: Smooth,
glabrous; furrowed on venation. Venation pattern:
Camptodrome. Color of upper surface of young foliage:
139A with a central band of 4C. Color of lower surface
of young foliage: 137A to 137B with a central band of
4C. Color of upper surface of mature foliage: Between
137A to 139A with lighter coloration near the base,
stripes of 143A to 143B near the edge of and
occasionally within the central band of 4C to 5D. Color
of lower surface of mature foliage: 137B covered with a
glaucous layer of 189A and with a central band of 4C to
4D. Color of upper and lower surfaces of venation:
Indistinguishable from leaf color.
Petiole: Length:
Approximately 13.7 cm (2.8 in.) . Diameter: Approximately 6.0 mm.
Texture of upper and lower surfaces: Smooth, glabrous.
Color of upper surface: 157D with green stripes of 138A
to 138B. Color of lower surface: 155A to 157D.
Flowering description:
Natural flowering season: Continuously
flowering from June into August in Barneveld, The
Lastingness of individual flower on the Plant: Approximately
5 days, not persistent.
Inflorescence description:
General description: Terminal
racemes with flowers facing outward or slightly
downward. Freely flowering habit with about 22 flowers
developing per inflorescence, and approximately 190
individual flowers and buds per plant. Fragrance: None
detected. Inflorescence height: Approximately 14.7 cm (2.8 in.) .
Inflorescence diameter: Approximately 8.6 cm.
(scapes): Strength: Strong. Length: Approximately
41.5 cm (0.6 in.) . Diameter: Approximately 3.0 mm. Angle: Erect to
approximately a 5° angle from vertical. Texture: Smooth,
glabrous. Color: 150D with an occasional longitudinal
stripe of 143A.
+ Flower description:
Type: Campanulate,
Flower Buds: Rate
of opening: Per flowering stem, approximately 5% of the
flowers open together with all flowers per inflorescence
opening within approximately 4 weeks. Shape:
Oblanceolate. Length: Approximately 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) . Diameter:
Approximately 8.0 mm. Color: 76A with spots of 77B, the
base is a lighter 69D.
Perianth: Depth:
Approximately 4.5 cm (1.8 in.) . Diameter: Approximately 1.5 cm (0.6 in.) .
Tepals: Quantity:
6, arranged in a single whorl, fused at base with upper
37% free. Shape: Oblanceolate. Appearance: Dull. Margin:
Entire. Apex: Acute. Length: Approximately 3.7 cm (2.8 in.) .
Width: Approximately 9.0 mm. Texture of upper and lower
surfaces: Smooth, glabrous. Color of upper (inner)
surface when first open: 76A. Color of lower (outer)
surface when first open: 76B. Color of upper (inner)
surface when fully open: 76A with stripes of 86D. Color
of lower (outer) surface when fully open: 76B darkening
to 83A with senescence.
Bracts: Quantity:
One per flower at the base of the pedicel. Length:
Approximately 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) . Width: Approximately 4.0 mm.
Shape: Ovate, concave. Apex: Acute. Base: Cuneate.
Margin: Entire. Texture, upper and lower surfaces:
Smooth, glabrous. Color, upper and lower surfaces: 155A,
Pedicels: Length:
Approximately 8.0 mm. Diameter: Approximately 1.0 mm.
Angle: Approximately 60° from vertical. Strength:
Strong. Texture: Smooth, glabrous. Color: 76B to 76C
becoming a darker 76A near the base of the flower.
Reproductive organs: Androceium:
Quantity per flower: Typically six; anthers dorsifixed.
Filament length: Approximately 4.5 cm (1.8 in.), curled. Filament
color: N155A. Anther shape: Narrowly oblong. Anther
length: Approximately 2.0 mm. Anther color: 202A. Pollen
amount: Sparse. Pollen color: 12B. Gynoecium: Pistils:
Quantity per flower: One. Pistil length: Approximately
4.8 cm (1.9 in.) . Stigma shape: Crested. Stigma color: 155C. Style
length: Approximately 4.7 cm (2.8 in.) . Style color: N155A. Ovary
color: 155A.
Seed and fruit production: Seed and fruit development
have not been observed.
Disease and pest resistance: Plants of the new Hosta
have not been noted to be resistant to pathogens and
pests common to Hosta.
Garden performance: Plants of the new Hosta have
been observed to have good garden performance and
tolerate rain, wind and high temperatures of about 35°
C. (95° F.). Plants of the new Hosta have been
observed to be hardy to a least USDA Zone 5.