The present invention relates to a
new and distinct cultivar of Hosta, botanically known as a Hosta hybrida,
and hereinafter will be referred to
by its cultivar name
'Purple Heart'. Hosta is in the family
The plant is the culmination of a
breeding program for red petiole and
leaf base Hosta. It was bred in
Canby, Oregon using unpatented
proprietary parents. The exact
parents are unknown.
Compared to Hosta 'Invincible' (an
unpatented plant), Hosta 'Purple Heart' has a similar leaf color and
texture. The new variety has a dark
leaf base and a darker petiole.
Compared to Hosta 'Little Red
Rooster' (an unpatented plant), Hosta 'Purple Heart' is a larger
plant with deeper green foliage and
a dark leaf base that continues
further up the leaf.
Compared to Hosta 'Red October' (an
unpatented plant), Hosta 'Purple Heart' has a larger habit and a
deeper color in the leaf base.
This new cultivar is unique in the
combination of:
1. very dark maroon petioles
with maroon leaf bases,
2. thick, glossy, dark green
3. camptodrome venation,
4. a vigorous clumping
5. and a medium size plant.
This new cultivar has been
reproduced only by asexual
propagation (division and tissue
culture). Each of the progeny
exhibits identical characteristics
to the new cultivar. Asexual
propagation by tissue culture using
standard micropropagation techniques
with lateral shoots as done in
Canby, Oregon, shows that the
foregoing characteristics and
distinctions come true to form and
are established and transmitted
through succeeding propagations. The
present invention has not been
evaluated under all possible
environmental conditions. The
phenotype may vary with variations
in environment without a change in
the genotype of the plant.
FIG. 1 shows a two-year-old plant in
a 4 inch pot in July in Canby, Oregon
FIG. 2 shows flower stalk in late
The following is a detailed
description of the new Hosta cultivar based on observations of
one-and-a-half-year-old specimens
growing in shade in the garden in
mid-September in Canby, Oregon Canby
is Zone 8 on the USDA Hardiness map.
Temperatures range from a high of 95
degrees F. in August to 32 degrees
F. in January. Normal rainfall in
Canby is 42.8 inches per year. The
color descriptions are all based on The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, 5th edition.
• Plant:
- Type: Herbaceous perennial.
- Hardiness: USDA Zones 4 to
- Size: Grows to 54.0 cm (21 in.) wide
and 31 cm (12.2 in.) tall from the top of the
soil to the top of the foliage.
- Form: Clumping.
- Number of crowns per
Plant: About 6.
- Number of leaves per
crown: 6 to 12.
• Leaf:
- Type: Simple.
- Shape: Ovate.
- Arrangement: Basal rosette.
- Blade size: Grows to 18.5 cm (3.3 in.)
long and 11.7 cm (0.7 in.) wide.
- Margins: Entire.
- Apex: Caudate.
- Base: Truncate.
- Petiole: 13 cm (5 in.) to 17 cm (6.7 in.) long
and 7 mm to 9 mm wide, clasping,
glabrous, cupped, inner and outer
surface heavily spotted Greyed
Purple N187A.
- Texture: Leathery.
- Surface texture: Glabrous on
both surfaces, glossy on bottom
- Venation: Average of 6 pairs
of veins, camptodrome pattern,
impressed on upper surface and
raised on lower surface.
- Color: Topside Green 138A,
lightening to Green 137A with base
and up the main vein heavily spotted
Greyed Purple N187A; bottom side
Yellow Green 146B with side veins
and main vein Greyed Purple N187A.
• Inflorescence:
- Type: Self cleaning;
terminal raceme.
- Number of flowers per
raceme: About 30.
- Peduncle description: Grows
to 38 cm (15 in.) long and 6 mm wide,
glabrous, Greyed Purple N186C on
bottom half to Greyed Purple N186A
on top half.
- Pedicel description: Grows
to 3 cm (1.2 in.) long and 1 mm wide,
glabrous, Violet 83A.
- Floral bracts: One at the
base of each pedicel, at a 50 degree
angle, grows to 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) long and 18
mm wide, becoming progressively
smaller going up the peduncle,
ovate, margin entire, tip acute,
glabrous on both sides, clasping,
cupping upward; top and bottom side
Purple N187A on top half to Purple
79A at the base.
- Bloom time: August to
October in Canby, Oregon
- Lastingness of
Inflorescence: 6 to 8 weeks.
• Flower bud:
- Size: 35 mm long and 8 mm
- Shape: Oblong, narrowed on
bottom ⅓.
- Surface texture: Glabrous.
- Color: Violet 86A to Violet
• Flower:
- Type: Perfect.
- Shape: Campanulate, drooping
- Size: Average 6.0 cm (2.4 in.) long and
2.3 cm (1.2 in.) wide.
- Surface texture: Glabrous
inside and out.
- Corolla description: 6
overlapping tepals, lobes
overlapping, tube 2.0 cm (0.8 in.) long and 2.5
mm wide; tepal lobes ovate, margins
entire, tip acute, 25 mm long and 10
mm wide; tepal outside and inside
color closest to Violet 85A, tube
closest to Violet 85A.
- Pistil description: 62 mm
long, ovary 8 cm (3.1 in.) long and 2 mm wide,
Greyed Purple N186A, style 5.5 cm (2.1 in.)
long, Greyed Purple N187B on bottom
half to Green White 157B on top
half, stigma Greyed Purple N186A.
- Stamen: 6, filaments 5 cm (2 in.)
long, Green White 157C, anthers 3 mm
long and 1 mm wide, Grey Brown
N199B, pollen Yellow Orange 14B.
- Fragrance: None.
• Fruit and Seed: None
• Pest and diseases: Snail
and slugs are the main problems on
Hosta. This new cultivar has
leathery waxy leaves and appears to
be less appealing to slugs. No
susceptibility or resistance to
diseases or other pests has been