Page Top

At our last count we have over 59,000 individual pages in The Hosta Helper website. How did we get so many? Well, we have been building the site since 1998 and have accumulated nearly 15,000 hosta names in our database. This includes duplicate, outdated and "nonconforming" names representing around 10,000 different hostas.

Each of these names has two basic pages with one giving the description and originator details and a second page showing the genetic background of each name. For many topics that contain large amounts of data, we have split the information into an A to Z format with a Totals page which adds 27 pages on each of these topics.

We have about 9,200 hosta pictures for 4,232 different hostas including over 3,000 images donated by people from the U.S. and eight other countries. If you have hosta photos you would be willing to share, Click Here.

Listed below are links to all the pages in the website. Of course, there are not 59,341 links since many of them lead to the "A" page of an alphabetical grouping. Links to the Index pages of the topics and alpha bars are also included. If you are just getting started in hostas you might want to check out our FAQ page.

Note: Labeled pictures on this page with the exception of 'Tattoo' and the species H. plantaginea are all of Hosta of the Year award winners. Click on the picture for more details about that cultivar.


The primary homeland of hostas are the islands of Japan with a smaller number originating in Korea and China. For many decades (centuries?) there was a lot of confusion about the structure of the genus, Hosta. They were known by several names including Funkia and the origin of many of the plants identified as species was not clear.

W. George Schmid in his epic book, The Genus Hosta (1991), did a very detailed study of the history and biology of hostas. The major result was the reclassification of several major hostas from species to cultivar status. This was primarily because Schmid could find no evidence that these plants ever existed in the wild. Instead, they were probably hybrids or plants discovered in ancient nurseries or gardens in Asia.


In this section of The Hosta Helper, we have over 15,700 pages, one for each hosta name in our database. The vast majority of these pages are devoted to individual hosta cultivars, species and naturally occurring forms. They are all listed in alphabetical order and may be reached by the alpha link bar below.

In his book, The Genus Hosta (1991), W. George Schmid changed the status of several Hosta species to the level of cultivar. Lists of plants related to these changes are shown below. Also included are hostas used or recommended as breeding plants, patented hostas and those whose names conform or do not conform with the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants.

  1. Crispula
  2. Decorata
  3. Fortunei
  4. Helonioides
  5. Lancifolia
  6. Opipara
  1. Sieboldiana
  2. Tardiflora
  3. Tokudama
  4. Undulata
  5. Index Page
  1. Conforming Names
  2. Non-Conforming Names
  3. Words Used in Names
  1. "Breeder" in the Name
  2. Breeding Plants
  3. Breeding Plants from Grenfell Book
  4. Numbered Breeder Seedlings
  5. Top Hosta "Parent" Plants
  1. Schmid Reccomendations
  2. Tardiana Group Hostas
  3. Tiara Type Hostas
  4. Wilkins' List from 2002
  5. U.S. Patented Hostas
  6. Award Winners
  7. Recommended Hostas



Often the first descriptive term used for hostas is their size. For our purposes, we have used the chart below for determining the size designation for the hostas in our database. These sizes are meant to describe a "mature" clump which is usually considered at least 5 years old. However, we have seen books and references say something like, "This plant grows larger than stated on the registration form. or Most plants are smaller than..." Also, site growing conditions may influence plant size.



  1. Giant
  2. Large
  3. Medium
  4. Small
  5. Miniature
  1. Fast
  2. Slow


  1. Early Emerging
  2. Groundcover
  3. Irregular Clump Habit
  4. Mound
  5. Rhizomatous Hostas
  6. Upright
  1. Texture Coarse
  2. Texture Fine
  3. Texture Medium

(Not available at this time)

Probably the single most important aesthetic trait on hostas is their leaves. For most gardeners, the leaf color and whether it is variegated are tops on the list when considering hostas. They come in blue-green, green and yellow for base color which cover 60% or more of the leaf surface. Variegation shows up on the leaf edge (marginal), middle (medial) or scattered around (streaked).

The shape of leaves, their topography, how they reflect light and the seasonal color changes some of them routinely display are also factors. Although not generally considered too serious, there are a few leaf problems that certain hostas experience such as spring desiccation, drawstring effect and variegation reversions.

  1. Blue-Green
  2. Blue-Green Intense
  3. Blue-Green Light
  4. Green
  5. Green Dark
  6. Green Light
  7. Green Medium
  8. White
  9. Yellow
  10. Yellow Gold
  1. Marginal
  2. Medial
  3. Streaked

  1. Albescent
  2. Azurescent
  3. Bluescent
  4. Lutescent
  5. Viridescent


  1. Petiole (Color)
  2. Petiole (Width)


  1. Elliptic
  2. Heart Shape
  3. Lanceolate
  4. Ovate
  5. Broadly Ovate
  6. Narrowly Ovate
  7. Piecrust
  8. Nearly Round
  9. Pointed Tip

  1. Corrugated: Heavily
  2. Corrugated: Moderate
  3. Corrugated: Slightly
  4. Cupped Total List
  5. Cupped: Heavily
  6. Cupped: Moderately
  7. Cupped: Slightly
  8. Convexly (Down) Cupped
  9. Flat
  10. Folded
  11. Puckered
  12. Rippled: Heavily
  13. Rippled: Slightly
  14. Twisted
  15. Unruly Leaves
  16. Deep Leaf Veins
  17. Wavy Total List
  18. Wavy: Heavily
  19. Wavy: Slightly
  1. Bottom: Dull
  2. Bottom: Glaucous (Blue)
  3. Bottom: Shiny
  4. Bottom: White
  5. Top: Dull
  6. Top: Glaucous (Blue)
  7. Top: Shiny
  8. Top: Smooth
  1. Flat
  2. Heart
  3. Round
  4. Tapered


  1. Spring Desiccation
  2. No Spring Desiccation
  3. Drawstring Effect
  4. Variegation Reversions
  5. Reverse Leaf Color

Some people love hosta flowers, many are indifferent to them and a small percentage of gardeners do not like them. In nature, hosta flowers range from white to lavender to purple in several different shades. In recent years, hybridizers have been trying to develop blossoms with reddish or yellowish tepals (combination of petals and sepals).

In the temperate zones of the world, different hostas bloom starting in June and a few bloom into October. Probably the largest percentage of hostas bloom in July or August in home gardens. Flowers come in a variety of shapes with the most common being funnel shaped and they have two anther colors with most being yellow with some being purple. Other distinguishing traits are scape color, height, bracts and branching habit.

  1. Deep Purple
  2. Pale Purple
  3. Medium Lavender
  4. Pale Lavender
  5. Near White
  6. Pure White
  7. Reddish
  8. Yellowish


  1. June
  2. June into July
  3. July
  4. July into August
  5. August
  6. August into September
  7. September
  8. September into October
  9. October
  1. Bell-Shaped
  2. Closed
  3. Double
  4. Funnel
  5. Spider
  6. Tubular
  7. Anthers Purple
  8. Anthers Yellow
  9. In Clusters
  1. Scape Color
  2. Scape Bracts
  3. Scape Branched
  4. Scape Tall



  1. Plant Sets Seed
  2. Does Not Set Seed
  3. Sets Viable Seeds
  4. Seeds Not Viable
  5. Unknown Seed Viability
  6. Open Pollinated
  7. Self Pollinated
  8. Seed Pod Color


  1. Fragrant Flowers
  2. Flowers with Stripes
  3. Flowers for Arrangement
  4. Outstanding Flowers
  5. Reblooming Flowers


Some people create a "Collector's" garden with hundreds or even thousands of different hostas without many other companion plants. However, most gardeners use hostas as part of a landscape design including many other plants in some sort of plant.

We have tried a different approach to design by assigning an acting role to different types of hostas as if they were performers in a play or movie. We hope this will help people visualize how an individual hosta will interact with other hostas or other plants in a grouping in the garden.

Finally, whether you use this design devise or another or none, you will probably want to use section 7. Selecting Hostas for the Garden during your decision making process.

  1. Super Star
  2. Guest Star
  3. Bitplayer
  4. Extras
  5. Scenery
  1. Coming Soon
  1. Hosta Maintenance
  2. Hosta Pests
  3. Hosta Propagation
  4. Award Winners
  5. Recommended Hostas


Whether you have a landscape design garden, a collector's garden or some combination of both, there are certain traits of hosta plants that you will need to consider. There are 4 major traits that seem to always be tops on the list for choosing a new hosta for the garden.

For the "average" gardener, clump size, leaf color, type of variegation and variegation color receive highest consideration as they shop for a hosta. As you become more of a "Hostaphile" the list might expand to include flower color, fragrance, leaf surface traits, upright forms and, perhaps, red color in the petioles and leaves.

  1. Giant
  2. Large
  3. Medium
  4. Small
  5. Miniature

* Size Dimensions Chart

  1. Blue-Green
  2. Green
  3. Yellow
  1. Marginal
  2. Medial
  3. Streaked
  1. Blue-Green
  2. Green
  3. White
  4. Yellow
  5. Streaked

  1. Flower Color
  2. Fragrance
  3. Leaf Traits
  4. Clump Forms
  5. Red in Hostas
  6. Clump Growth Rate
  7. Groundcover Hostas


  1. Hosta Problems
  2. Hosta Seeds
  3. Popularity Polls
  4. Award Winning Hostas
  5. Picture Gallery
  6. Award Winners
  7. Recommended Hostas






Genealogists can trace our ancestry, in some cases, back many generations. This information might help us understand our eye color, height or other characteristics. As with people, there is a wide range of information available on the background of individual hostas. For many, we know absolutely nothing about their parentage or genetic background. However, we do the parents, grand-parents, great grand-parents and further for quite a few hosta cultivars.

We have also collected information concerning other factors in the background of these plants including such things as: incorrect names used for a cultivar; hostas considered the "same as" another hosta; two or more hostas with the same name; hostas noted as similar looking; those with similar names; hostas described as being a certain "type"; cultivars or species used together multiple times in hybridizing. Explaining Hosta linneage

  1. Correct Name with Incorrect Name
  2. Incorrect Name with Correct Name
  3. "Same As" Hostas
  4. Different Hostas with Same Name
  5. Sibling Hostas
  6. Similar Looking Hostas
  7. Similar Names
  8. Hostas described as "Type"
  1. Alphabetical by Cultivar or Species
  2. Genetic Background by Cultivar
  1. Parent Index - All hostas with one or more offspring
  2. Hosta Pairs used in Multiple Crosses
  1. Originators by Offspring Numbers
  2. Originators Numbers of Offspring by Alphabet


An "Originator" is a person or persons who discover, hybridize, select, register or in some way contribute to the introduction of a new named hosta cultivar. This ranges from major plant nurseries who find a new plant in a huge batch of tissue cultured hostas and turns it into a best-seller to a person who gives a name to a hosta in their backyard and it never moves from that spot.

Currently in our database, we have 13,823 individual cultivars which are credited to at least one of the 1,116 identified originators. There are 1,464 named cultivars that do not have an originator cited out of the 15,027 hosta names in the database.

  1. 1 Origination
  2. 2-4 Originations
  3. 5-9
  4. 10-19
  5. 20-39
  6. 40-59
  7. 60-79
  1. 80-99
  2. 100 +
  3. A to Z
  4. Numbers Index
  5. States
  6. Countries
  7. Originators by Registration Year
  1. No State/Country/Full Name Listed Index
  2. Top Hybridizers
  3. Unknown State/Country
  4. Totals
  5. Originator Unknown

  1. U.S. State Index
  2. States Index Map


  1. Country Index
  2. Countries Index Map



One of the best ways to minimize the confusion when identifying hosta cultivars is to register them with the Registrar for the Genus, Hosta. Registration is meant to identify the measurements and traits of individual cultivars to avoid confusion with similar plants. Recently, the process has started requiring photographs of the registered plants. Once the process has been completed for a plant, it is considered the "official" name to be used by that plant alone.



Hostas have been called the "Friendship Plant" probably because they are easy to share with other gardeners. Also, there are many clubs and organizations where enthusiasts come together to share their love of the plant. The largest of these groups is The American Hosta Society which holds a national convention each year and produces a wonderful publication, The Hosta Journal several times a year.

  1. About The AHS
  2. The Hosta Journal
  3. Hosta Journal Index
  4. AHS Conventions
  5. AHS Awards
  6. AHS Regions
  7. Regions' Activities
  8. AHS Presidents
  9. Auction
  10. Convention Hostas
  11. Display Gardens
  12. Aden Committee
  1. The AHS Lifetime Achievement Award
  2. Alex J. Summers Distinguished Service Award
  3. Alex J. Summers Award Hosta
  4. Eunice Fisher Distinguished Hybridizer Merit Award
  5. Benedict Garden Performance Awards
  6. The AHS Service Pin
  7. The President's Wall of Honor
  8. National Convention Garden Awards
  9. Hosta Show Awards at the National Convention
  10. Hosta Auction Awards
  11. Local Society Activity Awards
  12. Photography Contest Awards
  1. Hosta Registrar
  2. Hosta Registration


  1. Local Hosta Groups
  2. Growers Assoc.
  3. British Hosta and Hemerocallis Society
  4. Dutch Hosta Society



A few hosta popularity polls were undertaken in the early years of The American Hosta Society. Then, starting in 1991, the poll became an annual event. For most years, all size hostas were included but it became apparent that the smaller cultivars were not being represented properly. So, in 2003, a second poll for "small" hostas was initiated along with the regular poll. For most of this period, the poll was under the direction of the late Dr Bob Olson, former AHS President.

  1. Popularity Poll Index
  2. Polls Comparisons Year by Year
  3. Popularity Poll Plants in Alphabetical Order
  4. Small Hostas - Total


  1. Average Rank for All Hostas
  2. Average Rank over 10 yrs in the Poll
  3. Average Rank over 20 yrs in the Poll
  4. Small Hostas by Avg Rank


  1. All Size Polls by Year
  2. Small Hostas by Year
  3. By Registration Year
  4. Years in the Polls
  5. - Years 1 to 4
  6. - Years 5-9
  7. - Years 10's
  8. - Years 20's


  1. By Leaf Color
  2. By Originator
  3. By Size
  4. - Giant
  5. - Large
  6. - Medium
  7. - Small
  8. - Miniature
  9. Variegated Hostas
  1. Award Winners
  2. Recommended Hostas
  3. Russian Hosta Poll
  4. 1992 "Unpopular" Hostas



New hosta cultivars are created in one of two ways. Sexual reproduction occurs when pollen comes into contact with the ovaries in the flower of the pod parent creating a hybrid plant. In hostas, this transfer is accomplished by bees in a random fashion as the visit flowers. Humans called hybridizers can physically move the pollen from one plant to another or to the ovaries of the same flower to create a hybrid.

The asexual way that new hosta cultivars appear is through what are called sports. These are spontaneous changes in the tissue in parts of the plant. For instance, one spring you might go into the garden and find that one division on a green leaf hosta has emerged with yellow variegation around the leaf margin. Separate this division from the clump and grow it on it own and you potentially have a new cultivar.

Tissue culture is a modern propagation technique which produces large numbers of new plants from a small piece of the mother plant. Since this process uses certain plant hormones, the appearance of sports is higher than in nature. A large percentage of newly introduced variegated hostas come from tissue culture.

  1. Hybrids by Offspring
  2. Hybrids by Pod Parent
  3. Pod Parent of >10 Hostas
  4. Pod Parents Alphabetical


  1. Hybrids by Pollen Parent
  2. Pollen Parent of >10 Hostas
  3. Pollen Parents Alphabetical


  1. Sports by Cultivar Name
  2. Sports by Mother Plant
  3. TC Sports by Cultivar Name*
  4. TC Sports by Mother Plant*
  5. Sport Parent of >10 Hostas
  6. Sport Parent Alphabetical

* TC = Tissue Culture

  1. Both Hybrid Parents
  2. Pod Parent
  3. Pollen Parent


  1. Background by Cultivar
  2. By Pod/Mother Parent
  3. Background by Alphabet
  4. Background of One Hosta
  5. Background of >10 Hostas
  1. For Each Hosta Species
  2. Pod Parent
  3. Pollen Parent
  4. Sport Mother


  1. All Hosta Parents Alphabetical
  2. Sport or Hybrid by Offspring
  3. Sport or Hybrid by Mother or Pod Parent
  1. Unknown Alphabetical
  2. Unknown Pod
  3. Unknown Pollen
  4. Unknown with Parent Shown
  1. Conforming Names

  2. Non-Conforming Names

  3. Words Used in Names



Plant people and gardeners who are deeply committed to working with hostas are often dubbed "Hostaphiles". They range from world authorities on the subject to a hobbyist with a large collection in his or her backyard. Hosta hybridizers, plant explorers, nursery owners, writers, lecturers, collectors and people heavily involved in national, regional or local hosta groups would also fall into this category. We have included a small biography for several hundred such people so you can get to know them better.

If you know of someone who should be included, please let us know.



Currently, we have over 15,000 hosta names in our database. This includes individual cultivars and species along with duplicate, out-dated and incorrect names. For each entry, we have accumulated as much information as we could from books, The Hosta Journal, websites and personal experience over the past 3 decades or so.

We have created hundreds and hundreds of pages for retrieval of all this data by physical traits, originators, registration, uses, names, etc. The pages listed below are index pages which include even more topics than are covered on this site-map.


Although often called a "cast iron" plant, hostas do have a few problems like any other species. They seem to be a favorite food for deer and may be infected by viral infections but, compared to other landscape perennials, they generally require less routine care.



We have over 9,300 pictures of 4,257 different hostas on The Hosta Helper. In addition, we have developed a gallery of photos to show newcomers to the genus examples of the various leaf colors, flower colors and variegation options available.

Listed below are just a few of the resources we have found valuable in creating The Hosta Helper website. Of course, The Hosta Journal, hosta nurseries and their websites, attendance at National Conventions of The American Hosta Society, visits to public and private hosta gardens and communications with other Hostaphiles have all contributed to the information on this website.


Just for the fun of it, we have pulled together some lists from the database referring to the words used in the names of hosta cultivars. We have a bunch of categories for names that are associated with a particular topic such a geography, literature, movies, politics, sci-fi, etc. The last group is for individual words which appear in several hosta names themselves.


  1. Back
  2. Blood
  3. Eye
  4. Face
  5. Heart
  6. Tongue
  7. Total Anatomy



  1. Animal Related
  2. Alligator
  3. Bear
  4. Bee
  5. Bird Related
  6. Bug
  7. Butterfly
  8. Cat
  9. Chick
  10. Crocodile
  11. Crow
  12. Dog
  13. Dove
  14. Dragon
  15. Eagle
  16. Fish Related
  17. Fish-Sharks
  18. Fox
  19. Foxy
  20. Frog


  1. Goose
  2. Heron
  3. Horses
  4. Insect Related
  5. Livestock
  6. Mammoth
  7. Mouse
  8. Peacock
  9. Pets
  10. Reptiles
  11. Rhino
  12. Snakes
  13. Sunfish
  14. Swan
  15. Zebra


  1. Arts Related
  2. Painters
  3. Paintings
  4. Paisley
  5. Photography


  1. Awards
  2. Banner
  3. Bravo
  4. Prize

  1. Baby
  2. Boy
  3. Girl
  4. Toy
  5. Toys


  1. Bikini
  2. Clothing
  3. Jeans
  4. Lace
  5. Leather
  6. Paisley
  7. Quilted
  8. Ribbon
  9. Satin
  10. Silk
  11. Velvet


  1. 0-Blue
  2. 0-Gold
  3. 0-Green
  4. Amber
  5. Azure
  6. Black
  7. Blond
  8. Chartreuse
  9. Color
  10. Colors
  11. Ebony
  12. Gold
  13. Golden
  14. Gray
  15. Green


  1. Grey
  2. Ivory
  3. Lavender
  4. Orange
  5. Paisley
  6. Pink
  7. Purple
  8. Red
  9. Scarlet
  10. Silver
  11. White
  12. Yellow


  1. Poland
  2. Russia
  3. Spain



  1. Ballet
  2. Dance Names
  3. Dancers
  4. Dances Related
  5. Dancing


  1. Beautiful
  2. Beauty
  3. Bell
  4. Best
  5. Big
  6. Bitsy
  7. Blond
  8. Blushing
  9. Bold
  10. Border
  11. Bright
  12. Broad
  13. Clear
  14. Cool
  15. Crazy
  16. Crinkle
  17. Curly
  18. Cute
  19. Dark
  20. Deep
  21. Dwarf


  1. Edger
  2. Elegant
  3. Essence
  4. Exotic
  5. Fancy
  6. Fat
  7. Foxy
  8. Fragrant
  9. Fragrant Aden
  10. Frilly
  11. Frosted
  12. Frosty
  13. Funny
  14. Giant
  15. Good
  16. Grand
  17. Great
  18. Heavy
  19. High
  20. Hot
  21. Itty


  1. Little
  2. Long
  3. Mammoth
  4. Neat
  5. New
  6. Petite
  7. Pretty
  8. Quilted
  9. Rippled
  10. Rippling
  11. Rough
  12. Ruffled
  13. Rusty
  14. Shiny
  15. Size
  16. Slim
  17. Small
  18. Soft
  19. Special
  20. Straight


  1. Streaked
  2. Streaking
  3. Streakin In
  4. Stripes
  5. Super
  6. Supreme
  7. Tiny
  8. Top
  9. Totally
  10. Twist
  11. Variegated
  12. Vase
  13. Watermark


  1. Coffee
  2. Beer
  3. Booze
  4. Champagne
  5. Soft Drinks
  6. Wine
  7. Milk


  1. College Related

  1. Cartoon
  2. Characters
  3. Circus
  4. Comedian
  5. Comedy Related
  6. Magic
  7. Magic Related
  8. Radio


  1. Fictional Names
  2. Fairy
  3. Fantasy
  4. Monster
  5. Monsters
  6. Munchkin
  7. Pandora



  1. First Names
  2. Full Names
  3. Albert
  4. Alice
  5. Amy
  6. Andrew
  7. Anna
  8. Anne
  9. Arthur
  10. Barbara
  11. Beatrice
  12. Betty
  13. Bill
  14. Bob
  15. Brenda
  16. Carol
  17. Clarence
  18. Clifford
  19. Clyde
  20. Cynthia
  21. David
  22. Dawn
  23. Dick
  24. Dixie
  1. Don
  2. Donna
  3. Dorothy
  4. Edward
  5. Eleanor
  6. Elizabeth
  7. Ellen
  8. Emily
  9. Emma
  10. Eric
  11. Franc
  12. Frances
  13. Gary
  14. Gay
  15. Gene
  16. George
  17. Gretchen
  18. Gunther
  19. Hana
  20. Harry
  21. Helen
  22. Herb
  23. Holly
  24. Jack
  1. James
  2. Janet
  3. Jay
  4. Jean
  5. Jennifer
  6. Jim
  7. Jimmy
  8. Joe
  9. John
  10. Joseph
  11. Joy
  12. Judy
  13. Julia
  14. Julie
  15. June
  16. Laura
  17. Lil
  18. Lucy
  19. Lydia
  20. Madison
  21. Margaret
  22. Marlu
  23. Mary
  24. Matthew
  1. Maya
  2. Michael
  3. Misty
  4. Nancy
  5. Nicknames
  6. Pamela
  7. Paul
  8. Pete
  9. Peter
  10. Ralph
  11. Ray
  12. Rocky
  13. Ron
  14. Sally
  15. Sarah
  16. Shirley
  17. Taylor
  18. Timothy
  19. Tom
  20. William
  21. Wilson
  22. Winfield
  1. Food Related
  2. Asian
  3. Baked
  4. Butter
  5. Candy
  6. Candy Related
  7. Chocolate
  8. Cinnamon
  9. Cream
  10. Creme
  11. Egg


  1. Fat
  2. Honey
  3. Ice Cream
  4. Jelly
  5. Muffin
  6. Peppermint
  7. Pie
  8. Piecrust
  9. Sorbet
  10. Spices
  11. Sugar


  1. Apple
  2. Apples
  3. Banana
  4. Blueberry
  5. Cherry
  6. Fruit
  7. Fruit Related
  8. Kiwi
  9. Lemon
  10. Lime
  11. Nuts
  12. Orange
  13. Pineapple
  14. Raspberry
  15. Rhubarb
  16. Strawberry


  1. Geography Related
  2. Allegan
  3. Arctic
  4. Bay
  5. Chelsea
  6. City
  7. City Related
  8. Coastal
  9. Country
  10. Devon
  11. Directions
  12. Dixie
  13. Dorset
  14. Dubuque
  15. Earth
  16. Erie
  17. Genesee


  1. Geneva
  2. Harbor
  3. Indy
  4. Island
  5. Isle
  6. Middle East
  7. Mountain
  8. North
  9. Northern
  10. Piccadilly
  11. Polar
  12. Potomac
  13. Regions
  14. Savannah
  15. Southern
  16. Tropic


  1. History
  2. American Revolution
  3. History Related
  1. Christmas Related
  2. Christmas
  3. Holiday
  4. Valentine


  1. Benedict
  2. Borsch
  3. Davidson
  4. Fleeta
  5. Jones
  6. Krossa
  7. Schmid Accent
  8. Schmid All
  9. Schmid Blue-Green
  10. Schmid Center
  11. Schmid Classic
  12. Schmid Edger
  13. Schmid Favorite
  14. Schmid Fragrant


  1. Schmid Giant
  2. Schmid Green
  3. Schmid Marginal
  4. Schmid Species
  5. Schmid Upright
  6. Schmid Yellow
  7. Simper
  8. Soules
  9. Tisch
  10. Tucker
  11. Viette
  12. Zager
  13. Zilis All-Stars
  14. Zilis No Stars


  1. 5 Star Hosta Images
  2. Slug Bait Hostas
  3. Slug Resistant Hostas
  4. Sun Tolerant Hostas
  5. Tetraploid Hostas
  6. Convention Hostas
  7. Cultivar Names
  8. Historic Hostas
  9. About The Hosta Helper
  10. Hostaparent
  11. Identical Hostas
  12. Multiple Originators
  13. PGC Classics


  1. Bowl
  2. Candle
  3. Cup
  4. Furnishings
  5. Glassware
  6. Saucer
  7. Silverware
  8. Spoon
  9. Vase


  1. Japanese Names
  2. Aoba
  3. Aoki
  4. Aomori
  5. Asahi
  6. Bukou
  7. Chichbu
  8. Fuiri
  9. Fuji
  10. Fukurin
  11. Geisha
  12. Gosan
  13. Haru
  14. Hideko
  15. Hime
  16. Hirao
  17. Hossoba
  18. Hyuga


  1. Iwa
  2. Japanese
  3. Kabitan
  4. Kifukurin
  5. Kinakafu
  6. Kishiro
  7. Nakafu
  8. Ogon
  9. Opipara
  10. Otome
  11. Rokujo
  12. Saishu
  13. Shiro
  14. Shirobana
  15. Shirofukurin
  16. Tsugaru
  17. Unazuki
  18. Urajiro


  1. Amber
  2. Amethyst
  3. Crystal
  4. Diamond
  5. Emerald
  6. Gems
  7. Gilded
  8. Jade
  9. Jewel
  10. Jewelry Related
  11. Necklace
  12. Pearl


  1. Acronyms
  2. Japanese Names
  3. Latin Names
  4. Questions
  5. Sayings or Phrases
  6. Slang
  7. Chinese
  8. Chinese Terms
  9. Dutch
  10. French
  11. German
  12. Greek
  13. Hasamona
  14. Italian
  15. Latin
  16. Ming
  17. Multi Language
  18. Polish
  19. Spanish
  20. Welsh
  1. Latin Names
  2. Aureomarginata
  3. Aurora
  4. Crispula
  5. Delta
  6. Fortunei
  7. Funkia
  8. Hyacinthina
  9. Kikutii
  10. Lancifolia
  11. Longipes
  12. Stenantha
  13. Tardiflora
  14. Tokudama
  15. Undulata
  16. Variegata
  17. Viridis


  1. Crime
  2. Justice
  3. Legal



  1. Authors
  2. Comic Books
  3. Literature
  4. Literature by Reference
  5. Middle Earth
  6. Newspapers
  7. Shakespeare
  8. Tolkein


  1. Breakfast
  2. Desserts
  3. Dinner
  4. Fastfood
  5. Lunch
  6. Restaurants
  7. Salad
  8. Seafood
  9. Snacks


  1. Doctor
  2. Drugs
  3. Medical
  4. Psychology


  1. Brass
  2. Gold
  3. Iron
  4. Metal
  5. Minerals
  6. Silver


  1. American Revolution
  2. Cadet
  3. Captain
  4. Explosives
  5. Marines
  6. Military Related
  7. Rank
  8. War
  9. Weapons


  1. Brandname
  2. Equipment
  3. Haircare
  4. Horoscope
  5. Structures

  1. Auctions
  2. Charity
  3. Finances


  1. Movie Related
  2. 007
  3. Action
  4. Adventure
  5. Documentary
  6. Drama
  7. Horror
  8. War
  9. Star Trek
  10. Star Wars




  1. Music Related
  2. Music by Reference
  3. Names of Songs
  4. Bands
  5. Bell
  6. Hymns
  7. Instruments
  8. Music
  9. 1920's
  10. 1930's
  11. 1940's
  12. 1950's
  13. 1960's
  14. 1970's
  15. 1980's
  16. 1990's
  17. 2000's
  18. 2010's
  19. 2020's
  20. Musical Theater
  21. M. Theater Related
  22. Opera
  23. Rhythm
  24. Singers
  1. American
  2. Asian
  3. Canadian
  4. Celtic
  5. Flemish
  6. Frisian
  7. Grecian
  8. Gypsy
  9. Hawaiian
  10. Hoosier
  11. Irish
  12. Kiwi
  13. Leprechaun
  14. Nationalities
  15. Romans
  16. Spartan
  17. Venetian
  18. Yankee


  1. Native American Related
  2. Chief
  3. Huron
  4. Indian
  5. Native
  6. Native Tribes
  7. Shawnee

  1. Nautical
  1. Non-English Names
  2. Blau
  3. Chinese
  4. Chinese Terms
  5. Dutch
  6. French
  7. German
  8. Greek
  9. Hasamona
  10. Italian
  11. Latin
  12. Ming
  13. Multi Language
  14. Polish
  15. Spanish
  16. Welsh


  1. Aden
  2. Aden Numbers
  3. Craig Numbers
  4. DSM Numbers
  5. First
  6. Fisher Numbers
  7. FRW Numbers
  8. Krossa Numbers
  9. Lachman Numbers
  10. Mackwood Numbers
  11. Numbers
  12. One
  13. Primal
  14. RD Numbers
  15. Second
  16. Summers Numbers
  17. Two
  18. Wisley Numbers


  1. Outer Space Related
  2. Cosmic
  3. Lunar
  4. Moon
  5. Moonlight
  6. NASA
  7. Planet
  8. Sky
  9. Solar
  10. Star
  11. Sun
  12. Sunburst
  13. Sunlight
  14. Sunny
  15. Sunrise
  16. Sunset
  17. Sunshine
  18. Twilight


  1. People



  1. 0 Plants
  2. Aspen
  3. Botany
  4. Buttercup
  5. Flower
  6. Flowers
  7. Forest
  8. Garden
  9. Garden Public
  10. Holly
  11. Olive
  12. Other Plants
  13. Rose
  14. Roses
  15. Tobacco
  16. Trees
  17. Vegetable Related


  1. Government
  2. Patriot
  3. Patriotic
  4. Politics
  5. President
  6. President Related


  1. Brother
  2. Couples
  3. Daddy
  4. Grandma
  5. Mama
  6. Mini
  7. Miss
  8. Mom
  9. Mr
  10. Mrs
  11. Relatives
  12. Sister
  13. Uncle


  1. Religion Related
  2. Angel
  3. Bible
  4. Cathedral
  5. Chalice
  6. Christianity Related
  7. Devil
  8. Halo
  9. Heaven
  10. Holy
  11. Judaism Related
  12. Paradise
  13. Prayer
  14. Praying
  15. Soul
  16. Spirits
  17. Temple


  1. Affair
  2. Charm
  3. Desire
  4. Lonesome
  5. Love
  6. Passion
  7. Romance
  8. Wedding
  9. Weddings


  1. Baron
  2. Crown
  3. Imperial
  4. King
  5. Knight
  6. Lady
  7. Palace
  8. Prince
  9. Princess
  10. Queen
  11. Regal
  12. Royal
  13. Royalty Related
  14. Saint
  15. Sir


  1. Agriculture
  2. Atom
  3. Atomic
  4. Chemicals
  5. Colchicine
  6. Education
  7. Genes
  8. Mathematics
  9. Oryzalin
  10. Science


  1. Science Fiction



  1. Abba
  2. Abiqua
  3. Academy
  4. American Indian
  5. American
  6. Artisan
  7. A
  8. Asian
  9. Atomic
  10. Bear
  11. Bee
  12. Benedicts
  13. Birchwood
  14. Bohemia
  15. Botters
  16. Buffalo
  17. Cally
  18. Chartreuse
  19. Chemsee
  20. Chesieres
  21. Chris'
  22. Clifford's
  23. Coach
  24. Coastal
  25. Cochato
  26. Colesburg
  27. Collectors
  28. Cosmic
  29. Country (Dean)
  30. Country (Spece)
  31. Cowboy
  32. Crossroads
  33. Crows Landing
  34. Devon
  35. Dilli
  36. Dinosaur
  37. Dogtown
  38. Dorset
  39. Dry Creek
  40. Eagle Bay
  1. Epic
  2. Faux
  3. Flemish
  4. Forest
  5. Foxfire
  6. Fragrant
  7. Frensham
  8. Frisian
  9. Genesee
  10. German Tardianas
  11. Giantland
  12. Glen
  13. Goldbrook
  14. Gold Leaf
  15. Gonokami
  16. Gosan
  17. Grandiflora
  18. Greenhead
  19. Gunsmoke
  20. Hadspen
  21. Hanjas
  22. Harvest
  23. Hasamona
  24. Hauser
  25. Hirao
  26. Holar
  27. Holly's
  28. Hollywood (Krueger)
  29. Hollywood (Moore)
  30. Honey Hill
  31. Honeysong
  32. Hoosier
  33. Hydon
  34. Indy
  35. Iron Gate
  36. Island
  37. Jipson Place
  38. Kempen
  39. Kings
  40. Kiss
  1. Kiwi
  2. Krossa
  3. Kwicks
  4. Lady
  5. Lakeport
  6. Lakeside
  7. London
  8. Lord
  9. Mackwoods
  10. Marlu
  11. Massachusetts Shore
  12. Maui
  13. Maya
  14. Middle Earth
  15. Mills
  16. Mountain
  17. Mouse Ears
  18. Northernair
  19. Northern
  20. Oberland
  21. Ocean Isle
  22. Ohh!
  23. Olympic
  24. Orphan Train
  25. Osiris
  26. Pacific
  27. Palatina
  28. Paradise
  29. Parky's
  30. Payot
  31. Pebble Creek
  32. PeeDee
  33. Pete's
  34. Picadilly
  35. Piedmont
  36. Pinani
  37. Planet
  38. Prairie
  39. Pre
  40. Presidents
  1. Redfield
  2. Richland
  3. Robin Hood
  4. Rock Music
  5. Rosedale
  6. Rosedale Parents
  7. Rusty's
  8. Sea
  9. Sherborne
  10. Sir
  11. Sparkling
  12. Spiritual
  13. State Parks
  14. Streakin in
  15. Sunfish
  16. Teltow
  17. Tiffney
  18. Tini
  19. Top 40
  20. Tremont
  21. Tucker
  22. Uniquely
  23. Valley's
  24. Warwick
  25. Waukon
  26. Wheels
  27. Wicked
  28. Winfield
  29. Xanadu
  30. Zager
  31. Zodiac


  1. Sports Related
  2. Athlete
  3. Baseball
  4. Bowling
  5. Boxing
  6. Bridge
  7. Buckeye
  8. Cards
  9. Coach
  10. Football
  11. Gambling
  12. Games
  13. Golf
  14. Hockey
  15. Mascots


  1. Olympic
  2. Olympics
  3. Soccer
  4. Tennis
  5. Track
  6. Volleyball
  7. Water Sports
  8. Wrestling



  1. U.S. State Related
  2. Alabama
  3. Carolina
  4. Delaware
  5. Indiana
  6. Michigan
  7. Midwest
  8. Minnesota
  9. Mississippi
  10. New Hampshire
  11. States Related


  1. Technology


  1. Television Related
  2. TV Action
  3. TV Animated
  4. TV Cartoons
  5. TV Children
  6. TV Classic
  7. TV Comedy
  8. TV Disney
  9. TV Documentary
  10. TV Dramas
  11. TV Fantasy
  12. TV Historical
  13. TV Horror
  14. TV Musical
  15. TV Police
  16. TV SciFi
  17. TV Sesame
  18. TV Soaps
  19. TV Sports
  20. TV Variety
  21. TV War
  22. TV Western
  1. Actor
  2. Stage
  3. Theater


  1. Autumn
  2. Dawn
  3. Day
  4. Day of Week
  5. Early
  6. Evening
  7. June
  8. Midnight
  9. Months Related
  10. Night
  11. O'Clock
  12. Summer
  13. Time
  14. Time of Day


  1. Auto Related
  2. Aviation
  3. Boats
  4. Motorcycles
  5. Racing
  6. Railroad
  7. Roads
  8. Wheel
  9. Wheels


  1. Unique/Odd Names
  2. Atypical Looking Hostas



  1. 0 Water
  2. Aquatic
  3. Splash
  4. Water


  1. Cascade
  2. Coast
  3. Falls
  4. Lake
  5. Lochness
  6. Ocean
  7. Ocean Isle
  8. Oceans
  9. Pacific
  10. River
  11. Rivers
  12. Surf
  13. Wave


  1. Weather Related
  2. Breeze
  3. Cloud
  4. Fog
  5. Frost
  6. Lightning
  7. Mist
  8. Rain
  9. Rainbow
  10. Seasons of Year
  11. Snow
  12. Storm
  13. Storms
  14. Stormy
  15. Thunder
  16. Whirlwind
  17. Wind
  18. Winter


  1. Cowboy
  2. Cowboy Related
  3. Westerns Related


  1. A (Starts With)
  2. Abba
  3. Acronyms
  4. All
  5. And
  6. August
  7. Collector
  8. Comment
  9. Crater
  10. Crossroads
  11. Crust
  12. Dandy
  13. Delight
  14. Don't
  15. Double
  16. Dream
  17. Edge
  18. El
  19. Elf
  20. Expectations
  21. Fair
  22. Fall
  23. Field
  24. Filagree
  25. Final
  26. Fire
  27. Flame
  28. Flash
  29. Fond
  30. Fountain
  31. Fried
  32. Friend
  33. Ghost
  34. Glory
  35. Glow
  1. Goldbrook
  2. Hadspen
  3. Halcyon
  4. Happy
  5. Harvest
  6. Hidden
  7. Hollywood
  8. Honeysong
  9. Honor
  10. Hydon
  11. Ice
  12. I'm
  13. Incredible
  14. Just
  15. Key
  16. Krinkle
  17. Liberty
  18. Light
  19. Look
  20. Lucky
  21. Mackwoods
  22. Madeup Words
  23. Madeup Related
  24. Mad
  25. Marbled
  26. Maui
  27. May
  28. Merry
  29. Mighty
  30. Mine
  31. Money
  32. Morning
  33. Mottos
  34. Mount
  35. My
  1. Oberland
  2. Oh
  3. Ohh!
  4. OHS
  5. Old
  6. On
  7. Over
  8. Parade
  9. Parks
  10. Parky's
  11. Party
  12. Peace
  13. PeeDee
  14. Perfume
  15. Piedmont
  16. Pixie
  17. Pizzazz
  18. Play on Words
  19. Powder
  20. Prairie
  21. Quiet
  22. Rainforest
  23. Richland
  24. Right
  25. Rising
  26. Rock
  27. Rosedale
  28. Sea
  29. Secret
  30. September
  31. Shade
  32. Shadow
  33. Shady
  34. Sherborne
  35. Shine
  1. Show
  2. Simply
  3. Smoke
  4. Smokey
  5. Something
  6. Spring
  7. Standard
  8. Standing
  9. Stone
  10. Strip
  11. Sum
  12. Summer
  13. Sweet
  14. The
  15. Tini
  16. Touch
  17. Trademark
  18. Treasure
  19. Unexpected
  20. Valley
  21. Van
  22. Warwick
  23. Wicked
  24. Wild
  25. Wing
  26. Woodland
  27. Wright
  28. Wylde
  29. Xanadu



The Hosta Helper
Copyright © 1998 -