The base color of a hosta is the one that covers 60% or more of the leaf blade surface. Other colors that occur are considered variegation. The most common variegation colors are white and yellow but there are also shades of blue-green and green that may contrast with the base color of the leaf.

bullet Yellow with Blue-Green Marginal
bullet Yellow with Blue-Green Medial
bullet All Colors with Blue-Green Marginal
bullet All Colors with Blue-Green
bullet All Colors with Blue-Green


bullet Yellow with Green Marginal
bullet Yellow with Green Medial
bullet All Colors with Green Marginal
bullet All Colors with Green Medial
bullet All Colors with Green Streaked


bullet Blue-Green with Streaked
bullet Green with Streaked
bullet Yellow with Streaked
bullet All Colors with Speckled Streaked


bullet Blue-Green with White Marginal
bullet Blue-Green with White Medial
bullet Green with White Marginal
bullet Green with White Medial
bullet Yellow with White Marginal
bullet Yellow with White Medial
bullet All Colors with White Marginal
bullet All Colors with White Medial
bullet All Colors with White Streaked


bullet Blue-Green with Yellow Marginal
bullet Blue-Green with Yellow Medial
bullet Green with Yellow Marginal
bullet Green with Yellow Medial
bullet All Colors with Yellow Marginal
bullet All Colors with Yellow Medial
bullet All Colors with Yellow Streaked



bullet Unknown Variegation Color*

* A few hostas were found listed as variegated but no detail was given for the color of the variegation. If you know the color for any of these, please let us know.

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