The American Hosta Society is now sponsoring The
Hosta Helper. Hostas are the number one selling
genus of herbaceous perennials for the landscape in
the U.S. today. The Hosta Helper is an American Hosta Society benefit and provides our members with information on everything related to the genus Hosta including cultivars, species, originators, traits such as leaf color, size, flower color, variegation and landscape uses.
website specializes in all things associated with the
"Friendship Plant", the Hosta.
Thanks to Don Rawson, Past-President of the West Michigan Hosta
Society, for creating this site back in the 1990s. He gathered a lot of good
information on a few hundred hostas to share with other gardeners. Around 1999, Don turned
the site over to Ralph Heiden so that Don could devote more time to his own hosta garden. Since that time, Ralph greatly expanded the
number of hostas to over 15,100 names (including
duplicates and invalid ones). Ralph Heiden turned over the Hosta Helper to The American Hosta Society in 2024.
our last count (early 2024) we have 59,341
individual pages in The Hosta Helper website. To
help you navigate this much information more
effectively, we have created a large
Site Map page which
includes links to all major sections and minor units
of the website.