Hosta is the Number One selling genus of herbaceous perennial in the U.S. People who love these plants are often called. These pages are devoted to the people who hybridize new cultivars, find new species, promote hostas or add to the knowledge and enjoyment of this landscape plant.

Listed below are the names of a few of the people who fall into this category. By clicking on the alphabetical range at the top of the list, you will be taken to a page with more detail about each person. That will include lists of hostas that they are connected with, their accomplishments and  awards.

We are always looking to expand these listings. So, if you know of someone who should be included, please EMAIL US their name and a brief description of their contributions to the World of Hostas. Thanks.


  1. Sanford, Matt
  2. Santa Lucia, Vic
  3. Sauve, Criste
  4. Savory, Dennis
  5. Savory, Robert
  6. Sawyer, Rick
  7. Scheer, Alttara
  8. Schembs, Michael
  9. Schimana, Walter
  10. Schmid, Tom
  11. Schmid, W. George
  12. Schmidt, Bevie
  13. Schulte, Steve
  14. Schulz, Ed
  15. Schuster, Eberhard
  16. Schwartzbauer, Mary
  17. Schwarz, Jim
  18. Scolnik, Patricia
  19. Scroggy, Ian
  20. Seaver, Charles
  21. Seaver, Mildred
  22. Sellers, Van
  23. Serafin, Viktoria
  1. Shadrack, Mike
  2. Shady Oaks Nursery
  3. Shaw, Florence
  4. Shimizu, Toshiro
  5. Siebold, Phillip von
  6. Silvers, Bill
  7. Simmering, Ron
  8. Simons, Dr Hans
  9. Simpers, Lucille
  10. Sisson, Kathie
  11. Skaggs, Brian & Virginia
  12. Sligh, Barry
  13. Smith, Eric
  14. Smith, Roger
  15. Sneyers, Rob
  16. Snyder, Ron
  17. Solberg, Bob
  18. Soucek, Jon
  19. Soules, Margorie & Clarence
  20. Sprengel, Kurt
  1. Squires, Keith
  2. Stadden, Josh
  3. Stark, Gunther
  4. Starker, Carl
  5. Stearn, William
  6. Stegeman, Bev & Dave
  7. Stephens, Ray
  8. Stevens, Mrs
  9. Stevenson, Dr David
  10. Stone, David
  11. Strandberg, Mark
  12. Stratton, J & E
  13. Street, Dr. Jamie
  14. Stygall, Patsy
  15. Suggs, Natalee
  16. Sugita, Hajime
  17. Sully, Marcia
  18. Summers, Alex J.
  19. Sunnybrook Farms
  20. Suzuki, Kichigoro
  21. Syre-Herz, Ursula




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