The base color of a leaf is considered to be the color that covers 60% or more of the leaf surface. In hostas, the base colors are Blue-Green, Green and Yellow. Technically, white could also be considered a base color since a few variegated hostas have 60% white leaves.

"Blue" hostas actually have green leaves that are covered with a type of wax or "bloom" which reflects bluish light. Often during the heat of summer this wax melts off and the leaf becomes green in color. Green hostas, of course, have plenty of the green pigment, chlorophyll. The color may range from light green to dark green which may be described as "black". Most fall into the category of medium green. Yellow hostas have a very low level of chlorophyll and the yellow pigment dominates. However, they must still have chlorophyll at some level or they could not complete photosynthesis. The term "gold" is often used but this is actually just a shade of yellow. That is also the problem with predominately white foliage hostas which have difficulty growing and are easily sun scorched due to the lack of chlorophyll.

bullet Giant - Blue-Green  & Marginal
bullet Giant - Blue-Green  & Medial
bullet Giant - Blue-Green  & Streaked
bullet Large - Blue-Green  & Marginal
bullet Large - Blue-Green  & Medial
bullet Large - Blue-Green  & Streaked
bullet Medium - Blue-Green  & Marginal
bullet Medium - Blue-Green  & Medial
bullet Medium - Blue-Green  & Streaked

bullet Small - Blue-Green  & Marginal
bullet Small - Blue-Green  & Medial
bullet Small - Blue-Green  & Streaked


bullet Miniature - Blue-Green  & Marginal
bullet Miniature - Blue-Green  & Medial
bullet Miniature - Blue-Green  & Streaked


bullet Giant - Blue-Green
bullet Large - Blue-Green
bullet Medium - Blue-Green
bullet Small - Blue-Green
bullet Miniature - Blue-Green

bullet Blue-Green Base - Streaked
bullet Blue-Green Base -  White Margin
bullet Blue-Green Base - White Medial
bullet Blue-Green Base - Yellow Margin
bullet Blue-Green Base - Yellow Medial
bullet All Giant Blue-Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Large Blue-Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Medium Blue-Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Small Blue-Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Miniature Blue-Green Variegated Hostas

bullet Giant - Green & Marginal
bullet Giant - Green & Medial
bullet Giant - Green & Streaked
bullet Large - Green & Marginal
bullet Large - Green & Medial
bullet Large - Green & Streaked
bullet Medium - Green & Marginal
bullet Medium - Green & Medial
bullet Medium - Green & Streaked

bullet Small - Green & Marginal
bullet Small - Green & Medial
bullet Small - Green & Streaked


bullet Miniature - Green & Marginal
bullet Miniature - Green & Medial
bullet Miniature - Green & Streaked


bullet Giant - Green
bullet Large - Green
bullet Medium - Green
bullet Small - Green
bullet Miniature - Green

bullet Green Base - Streaked
bullet Green Base - White Margin
bullet Green Base - White Medial
bullet Green Base - Yellow Margin
bullet Green Base - Yellow Medial
bullet All Giant Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Large Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Medium Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Small Green Variegated Hostas
bullet All Miniature Green Variegated Hostas

bullet Giant - Yellow & Marginal
bullet Giant - Yellow & Medial
bullet Giant - Yellow & Streaked
bullet Large - Yellow & Marginal
bullet Large - Yellow & Medial
bullet Large - Yellow & Streaked
bullet Medium - Yellow & Marginal
bullet Medium - Yellow & Medial
bullet Medium - Yellow & Streaked

bullet Small - Yellow & Marginal
bullet Small - Yellow & Medial
bullet Small - Yellow & Streaked


bullet Miniature - Yellow & Marginal
bullet Miniature - Yellow & Medial
bullet Miniature - Yellow & Streaked


bullet Giant - Yellow
bullet Large - Yellow
bullet Medium - Yellow
bullet Small - Yellow
bullet Miniature - Yellow

bullet Yellow Base - White Margin
bullet Yellow Base - White Medial
bullet Yellow Base - Blue-Green Margin
bullet Yellow Base - Blue-Green Medial
bullet Yellow Base - Streaked
bullet Yellow Base - Green Margin
bullet Yellow Base - Green Medial
bullet All Giant Yellow Variegated Hostas
bullet All Large Yellow Variegated Hostas
bullet All Medium Yellow Variegated Hostas
bullet All Small Yellow Variegated Hostas
bullet All Miniature Yellow Variegated Hostas


The Hosta Helper
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