The genetic information available for all types
of living organisms has been multiplying exponentially in recent
years. It is expanding in terms of our understanding of hostas too.
As a Hosta Rookie, it is probably a little early to clog your mind
with too much of this stuff. So, here are a few of the basics that
will get you off to a good start. How much deeper you want to go
into the science of genetics is up to you.
Hostas have 30 chromosomes in each of the male
i.e. pollen, and female i.e. egg, tissues. During the normal
fertilization process 30 chromosomes come from the mother and 30
from the father for a total of 60. This is called a diploid or 2n
plant which represents 2 sets of chromosomes that make up the
genetic information in the seeds and resulting seedlings.
Probably the greatest thing for the Hosta
Rookie to understand in all this is that sometimes something happens
in the cells of a plant which results in more than 2 sets of
chromosomes being present. The most common variation you will
encounter is when you hear of plants called tetraploids.
Instead of
having 2 sets of chromosomes,
tetraploid hostas have 4 sets. This occurs occasionally as a natural
mutation so there are plants in the wild which are tetraploids such
Hosta ventricosa or even triploid i.e. 3 sets, like
Hosta clausa.
Nursery people and hybridizers eventually
figured out ways to treat hostas with chemicals to create plants
with extra sets of chromosomes. Perhaps the first example came about
as an unintended exposure of hosta plants to the herbicides named
Surflan (oryzalin) and Treflan (trifluralin). Following this
exposure, the nursery people noticed a change in the physical
characteristics of their hostas which gave them an unusual
A second, much more common way that tetraploid hostas have been induced is through exposure to certain plant
hormones during the
tissue culture
process. We will cover tissue
culture in greater detail later but suffice it to say that part of
the process involves the use of plant hormones such as indolebutyric
acid (IBA), naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and others. For some
reason, certain hostas exposed to this treatment will develop
tetraploid characteristics.
Mr. PGC Comment: Daylily (Hemerocallis)
breeders have been developing tetraploid plants for several decades.
They often use a chemical called colchicines which is an extract
from the so-called fall crocus,
Colchicum speciosa. It
appears that this chemical does not have the same effect on hostas,
So, why are we so interested in tetraploid
plants? Well, not only do they have a unique genetic makeup, tetraploid plants also generally have some unique physical
characteristics including:
_ 1. Plant Size - Tetraploid
plants tend to be a bit smaller than diploid plants of the same
cultivar and have shorter leaf petioles. This more compact structure
makes for a denser clump habit that may be pleasing on some plants.
_ 2. Substance - Compared to a
diploid plant, the tetraploid has thicker cell walls and larger
stomata guard cells resulting in a leaf with thicker substance. The
petioles are thicker also.
_ 3. Flowers - This is the area
where the daylily people have made big advances with tetraploids.
The flowers of these plants are larger and have thicker petals or,
in the case of hostas, tepals. Also, flowers of tetraploids produce
larger pollen grains than their diploid counterparts.
_ 4. Flower Scapes - The flower
stalks (scapes) will be shorter and thicker on tetraploids. Often
the flowers on the scape will be compacted together in a denser
arrangement than in diploid plants.
_ 5. Seed Pods - On tetraploids,
the seed pods will be shorter in length and thicker in girth.
_ 6. Growth Rate - In general,
tetraploid plants will have a slower growth rate than diploids of
the same cultivar.
_ 7. Roots - In keeping with the
general trait of these types of plants, the roots of tetraploids
will often be shorter in length.
_ 8. Leaf Color Variegation -
Tetraploids will generally have wider marginal variegation but
narrower medial or center variegation.
_ 9. Chloroplasts - Chlorophyll is,
of course, the green pigment. The chloroplasts are the structures
where chlorophyll resides and where photosynthesis takes place. In
tetraploid plants, there may be up to twice as many chloroplasts
than in the diploid plant of the same type.
_ 10. Leaf Surface - For cultivars
with corrugations or ripples on their leaves, tetraploids tend to be
more pronounced.
CAUTION: Now that we have told you all
the characteristics that may indicate a plant is a tetraploid, be
aware that it is not that simple to positively identify one. Even if
a plant has ALL of these traits, the only way to know for certain
that the plant is a tetraploid would be to subject it to a bunch of
different laboratory tests.
Also, it would take a person
well-trained in the science of plant ploidy to examine the
morphology (physical traits) of the plant and, perhaps, do some
cross-breeding to tell for sure. Most of what you hear about a
plant's tetraploidy will be a matter of someone's opinion. It may,
in fact, be a true tetraploid but, without the scientific analysis
to back it up, it is just an opinion.