• The present invention
relates to a new and distinct
variety of Hosta plant; a clonal
selection designated as Hosta 'Solar Flare'. This new Hosta displays a
golden green leaf color in early
Spring which changes to golden
yellow, with bright green midrib and
veins, as it matures. This plant is
also easily distinguished by its
unusually large size, when compared
with other known Hosta plants.
• About 20 years ago; when
varieties of Hosta available were
very limited; I began a program
intended to develop superior, new
varieties of Hosta in golden
foliaged and variegated types. I
began with open-pollinated seed
collected from Hosta "Frances
Williams", Hosta Tokudama
Aureonebulosaand Hosta fortunei
aurea. As the seedlings germinated,
any which appeared to be
golden-leaved or variegated were
saved and planted out while the rest
were discarded. Initially, out of
many thousands of seedlings; only a
few of the desired types appeared.
Open pollinated seed was then
collected from those which appeared
to be most promising and again the
selection process was repeated. In
1978; in third or fourth generation
of open-pollinated seedlings; one
appeared which was outstanding,
unique and different from any others
I had seen; here or anywhere else.
This selection produced a huge plant
with very large leaves which were of
a most unique coloration; in that .
. . as the season progressed . . .
they developed into enormous light
golden-yellow foliaged plants with a
bright green midrib on the upper
leaf surface; the green coloration
also usually appearing in the veins
on either side of the midrib as
well. This CLONE was subsequently
given the name of Hosta 'Solar Flare' and was registered with The American Hosta Society ; (which is
the International registrar for
Hosta) in 1981 under the name of the
Gardenview Horticultural Park of
which I am the founder and director.
Subsequently I propagated Hosta 'Solar Flare' vegetatively by
natural division and now have about
8 clumps, all of which are
absolutely identical with one
another in all respects. The foliage
of this clone begins with a
greenish-gold in early Spring (more
gold than green); and gradually
changes, from week to week, until it
matures at a light golden-yellow
with bright green midrib and veins
toward the end of the season. The
nature and intensity of the yellow
coloring depends upon light
intensity and temperature. In shady,
low light areas; it is greenish-gold
while in full light it becomes a
deep yellow and in full sun, it
bleaches out to a very light yellow.
The flowers are unimpressive and
typical of hybrids of Hosta sieboldiana. Although registered in
1981; this variety has never been
released to the date of this
• The first sheet depicts a
single-crown specimen of the claimed
plant; centrally, within a plating
of normal sized, sister seedling
plants. The second sheet has two
close-up views showing individual
leaves having characteristic
prominent, uniform veining. The
upper drawing shows the coloring in
full sun while the lower drawing
shows the coloring in full light but
minimum sun.
• Color specifications are
presented from Horticultural Colour
Chart issued by the British Colour
Council in collaboration with The
Royal Horticultural Society
(Wilson), except where ordinary
terms of color are descriptive.
• A herbaceous, clump-forming
plant with short rhozomes; forming a
large clump with leaves basal,
tufted, petioled. The plant is
semi-upright in habit of growth and,
under ideal growing conditions,
easily reaches a foliage mass height
of 3 feet with a comparable spread;
depending upon whether it is a
single crown plant or an old,
established clump containing many
• Made up of a leaf petiole
up to 26" long, topped with an ovate
leaf blade which; under ideal
growing conditions; reaches up to
14" wide by 18 inches long. The leaf
blade is ovate, base cordate with
tip acute, margin entire and gently
undulating, glaucous on top and
pruniose beneath, with 18 pair of
• Because the coloration
varies; depending upon light
conditions and temperature; it is
not possible to assign any one
specific color to the foliage. In
low light, shady condition (in
northern Ohio), the coloration is
close to, but a bit deeper and more
yellow than RHS Horticultural Color
Chart Sap Green 62/3. In full light
but no sun, the coloration is close
to but a deeper, more muted shade of
Barium Yellow 503/2. In full sun the
coloration bleaches out to Straw
Yellow (604/3). Towards the latter
part of the season the upper midrib
develops a bright green coloration
which often also spreads to the
veins as well. The attached color
photographs depict the color
variations as closely as it is
possible to do so. The single photo
shows a single-crown plant at
midseason with the green midrib
coloration beginning to appear. On
page with the two photos; the upper
photo shows the coloration in bright
sun while the lower photo shows the
coloration in full light but with no
sun. Both photos were taken earlier
in the season at which time the
green veining had not yet appeared.
• FLOWERS (Not a basis for
this selection)
• The flowers are
unimpressive and typical of most Hosta sieboldiana x Hosta fortunei
hybrids. The non-foliated flower
stem is approximately 33 inches tall
when the plant blooms and is then
slightly above the developing
foliage. As the foliage develops, it
virtually hides the flower stem.
Flowers funnelform up to 11/2 inches
long, almost white flushed with
palest lilac, in a terminal, scapose,
bracted, one-sided raceme, carrying
12-18 florets. Fertile.
• This new and distinctive
hybrid Hosta, of unidentified parentage,
was created by me. It is a clonal
selection; which when vegetatively
propagated, produces offspring all
of which are absolutely identical
with one another in all respects.
The special characteristics upon
which this selection was based are
• 1. The very large size of
the plant
• 2. The very large size of
the leaves
• 3. The unusual and
distinctive coloration of the
• This clonal selection is
extremely vigorous in habit of plant
growth and striking because of the
size and unusual coloring of its
foliage; especially toward the later
part of the growing season when the
green midrib and veining appear on
the upper surface.