The present invention relates to the new and distinct
Hosta 'Autumn
Frost' discovered by
Susan Lichacz at a
nursery in Zeeland, Mich., USA in the summer of 2007 as an uninduced whole
plant mutation in a tissue cultured crop of
Hosta 'First
Frost' (not patented). The new plant has been successfully
asexually propagated both by division and by tissue
culture at a nursery in Zeeland, Mich. and in both
asexual propagation systems found to be stable and
produce identical plants that maintain the unique
characteristics of the original plant.
Hosta 'Autumn
Frost' differs from its parent, 'First Frost’,
as well as all other
known to the applicant.
Hosta 'First Frost' is a sport from
'Halcyon' . Other sports from
'Halcyon' with light
margins include: 'Blue Ivory' U.S. Plant Pat. No.
19,623, 'El Nino' U.S. Plant Pat. No. 14,632, 'Great
Escape' U.S. Plant Pat. No. 19,003 and 'Sleeping Beauty' (not patented).
Hosta 'Autumn
Frost' has a wide margin that begins the season yellow and
develops into a creamy-yellow to cream.
Hosta 'El Nino' has a creamy to white-colored margin and is
narrower than 'Autumn
Frost'. 'Blue Ivory' and 'Great
Escape' have wide margins but
the color of the margin starts off white to
greenish-white then develops into a cream to white and
occasionally in high temperatures becomes misted with
green. All of the above have similar flower color.
There are over 4,500 cultivars registered with
American Hosta Society, which is the International Cultivar
Registration Authority for the genus
with another similar number of unregistered cultivars.
Hosta 'Autumn
Frost' differs from all these registered and unregistered
cultivars known to the inventor in the following
combined traits:
1. Plant of medium size with upright to gradually
arching foliage.
2. Cordate leaves with blue-green centers and wide
yellow margins that develop into a creamy yellow to
3. Numerous flowers of medium lavender held attractively
above foliage in mid-summer.
The photographs of the three-year old plant demonstrate
the overall appearance of the near-mature plant,
including the unique traits, grown in a partially shaded
garden in Zeeland, Mich. The colors are as accurate as
reasonably possible with color reproductions. Ambient
light spectrum, source, direction and temperature may
cause the appearance of minor variation in color.
FIG. 1 shows a leaf close-up of a one-year old plant in
the early part of the growing season.
FIG. 2 shows a close-up of the foliage about flowering
time, later in the season.
FIG. 3 shows a three-year old plant in a landscape
setting about mid season.
The following descriptions and color references are
based on the 2001 edition of The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart except where common dictionary
terms are used. The new plant,
Hosta 'Autumn
has not been observed under all possible environments.
The phenotype may vary slightly with different
environmental conditions, such as temperature, light,
fertility, moisture and specimen maturity, but without
any change in the genotype. The following observations
and size descriptions are of a two-year old plant in a
trial garden in Zeeland, Mich. with 50% artificial
shade, supplemental water and light fertilizer.
+ Botanical Classification:
Sport parentage:
Hosta 'First
Frost' (not patented).
Propagation method: By sterile laboratory tissue culture
propagation and garden division.
Growth rate: Moderate.
Crop time: Summer growing 10 to 12 weeks to finish in a
one-liter container.
Time to initiate roots from tissue culture: About two
and a half weeks.
+ Plant description:
Plant shape and habit: Hardy,
long-lived, herbaceous perennial, densely rhizomatous,
forming a mounded clump in maturity, with basal rosette
leaves; usually bilateral and radially symmetrical.
Roots: Normal,
fleshy, slightly branching, cream-colored in normal soil.
Plant size: Foliage
height about 50 cm (19.6 in.) tall; width of plant at the widest
point is approximately 72 cm (28 in.) at the widest point just
above soil line.
+ Foliage description:
Leaf blade: Cordate,
entire margins, cordate leaf base with acute apex, flat,
mostly bilaterally symmetrical, without sinuous or
pie-crust margins, with moderately impressed veins;
width to length ratio of about 1: 1.5; average about 15 cm (5.9 in.) long and 10 cm (4 in.) wide; 10 to 11 pairs of major parallel
veins and one main center vein; glabrous; adaxial (top)
surface glaucous becoming dull matte-surfaced late in
growing season, abaxial surface (bottom) highly glaucous
remaining throughout growing season; margin variegation
portion increasing with age from ⅓ to nearly ½ total
leaf width.
Blade color: Early
season as emerging adaxial (top) center nearest RHS
N138A, adaxial margin nearest RHSN144A, intermediate
colors of RHS 145A, nearest RHS 138D and nearest RHS
148D in small irregular patches between the margin and
center; early season as emerging abaxial (bottom) center
nearest RHS N138C, abaxial margin more yellow than RHS
N144B and more green than RHS 1B, intermediate colors of
nearest RHS 145B and nearest RHS 147D in very small
irregular patches between the margin and center;
mid-season and later adaxial center nearest RHS 136A,
creamy margin nearest RHS 10D and small irregular
intermediate patches of nearest RHS N138D, nearest RHS
N144C and nearest RHS 192C; mid-season and later abaxial
center nearest RHS N138C, creamy margins nearest RHS 10D
and small irregular intermediate patches of nearest RHS
145C and nearest RHS 154D.
Veins: 10
to 11 pairs of major parallel veins, with one major
center vein.
Vein color: On
early season adaxial center nearest RHS 138C and nearest
RHS 160C in the margin; abaxial margin and center the
same color as the surrounding leaf tissue; mid season
and later nearest the glaucous covering remains longer
in the veins maintaining a lighter color in the center
of nearest RHS 138D and on the margin nearest RHS 157B;
adaxial side the same color as the surrounding tissue on
both margin and center.
Petioles: Concavo-convex,
glabrous, glaucous, upright to arching; 38 to 42 cm (16.5 in.) long
and about 1.3 cm (1.2 in.) wide measured at 3 cm (1.2 in.) above soil line.
Petiole color: Margins
of petiole same as the respective adaxial blade margins
in early season and mid to late season; adaxial and
abaxial center between RHS 139C and RHS 139B in the
distal portion and developing a fine speckling of
nearest RHS N186C in the proximal portion of both
surfaces, with the speckling more concentrated closer to
the base.
+ Flower description:
Buds: Clavate,
bluntly acute to rounded apex with longer thin base; one
day prior to opening about 4.5 cm (1.8 in.) long, and 1.5 cm (0.6 in.) wide
at the broadest portion; nearest RHS N81A on exposed
margin of tepal and near base and lighter (more white)
than RHS 851D at middle and a 1.0 to 2.0 mm green apex
nearest RHS 138B.
Flowers: 16
to 28 per scape; each subtended by bract; funnelform;
about 5.5 cm (2.1 in.) wide and 7.5 cm (3 in.) long, (distal flowers
slightly smaller); remain open for a normal period,
usually one to two days on or cut from plant; scapes
remain effective from mid-July into mid-July in Zeeland,
Mich.; no detectable fragrance.
Tepals: Two
sets of three fused at the basal two thirds; acute apex;
margins entire; glabrous, approximately 5.0 cm (1.9 in.) long and
1.5 cm (0.6 in.) wide.
Tepal color: Abaxial
outer tepal set color nearest RHS 85D on the center
middle and between RHS 85D and RHS 85C on the edge or of
the outer tepals with the 1 mm apex nearest RHS 137B;
abaxial inner tepal lighter (more white) than RHS 85D;
adaxial outer tepals center middle portion nearest RHS
N82D with three veins of nearest RHS N82B and edge
lighter (more white) than RHS 85D; adaxial inner tepals
nearest N82C with margins of lighter (more white) than
RHS 85D and a clear edge about 1.0 mm wide.
Pedicel: Rounded,
slightly curved, glaucous, glabrous; about 7 mm long, 3
mm diameter; nearest RHS 138C.
Peduncle: Cylindrical,
glaucous, glabrous, unbranched; usually one per
division, slightly arching to about 60 degrees from
horizontal; about 4 mm diameter at base, about 20 cm (7.9 in.)
tall; nearest RHS 139C.
Gynoecium: Single.
Style: about 5.0 cm (1.9 in.) long, 1 mm diameter, slightly curled
upward at distal ⅓; lighter (more white) than RHS 11D
the whole length. Stigma: rounded, 1 mm to 2 mm in
diameter, lighter than RHS 115D. Ovary: oval, about 6 mm
long and 3 mm diameter; between RHS 145A and RHS 145B.
Androecium: Six.
Filaments: six, about 1.0 mm in diameter and 4.8 cm (1.9 in.)
long, shorter than gynoecium; with slight curve upward
the proximal ⅓; lighter than RHS 11D throughout.
Anthers: oblong; attached midpoint lengthwise; dehiscing
along the center longitudinal axis; about 3 mm long and
1 mm wide, color nearest RHS 176A prior to anthesis and
nearest RHS N186A after anthesis. Pollen: elliptical,
less than 0.1 mm long, nearest RHS 21A.
Bracts: Subtending
each flower, lanceolate, entire, glaucous, glabrous,
concavo-convex, widest at middle and tapering to acute
apex, sessile, clasping about ½ peduncle; protruding
upward about 20 degree angle away from scape at time of
flower opening; with lowest about 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) long and 1.4 cm (0.6 in.)
wide before first flower, progressively decreasing in
both length and width; drying as flowers open.
Bract color: Abaxial
1.0 to 2.0 mm wide margins between RHS 157A and RHS 156A
with tinting of nearest RHS 183C; central abaxial
portion between RHS 137A and RHS 137B; on top and bottom
surfaces lighter than RHS 145D with outer portion
nearest RHS 139C and a thin margin about 1 mm wide of
nearest RHS 139D; adaxial margins nearest RHS 145C and
central portion nearest RHS 138B.
+ Fruit: Has not been observed.
+ Seeds: Have not been observed.
+ Disease resistance: Disease or pest resistance beyond
that common to
has not been observed. The plant grows best with light
fertilizer, plenty of moisture and adequate drainage,
but is able to tolerate some flooding and drought when
mature. Hardiness at least from USDA zone 3 through 9,
and other disease resistance is typical of that of other