The present invention relates to a
new and distinct cultivar of
plaintain lily that is grown for its
vigorous growth, white flowers and
thick, furrowed, variegated leaves.
The new cultivar is known
botanically as Hosta and will be
referred to hereinafter by the
cultivar name 'Thunderbolt'.
'Thunderbolt' was discovered by the
inventor in a cultivated area of
Hickory, N.C. in 1998 as a sport of
the parent plant
H. 'Elegans'. 'Thunderbolt' was selected, by the
inventor, for its unique variegated
leaves with wide blue-green margins
and narrow cream-white centers. As a
young plant the leaves are
blue-green with golden centers and
as the plant matures the leaf
centers become cream-white and the
margins darken. The plant most
similar to 'Thunderbolt' are the
parent plant
H. 'Elegans' (unpatented) and Hosta 'Dream Weaver' (unpatented). 'Thunderbolt' differs from
H. 'Elegans' in its bluer, thicker leaves and its
variegation that exhibits a wider
green margin and narrow cream-white
center. 'Thunderbolt' also grows
more vigorously than the parent
plant 'Elegans’, which is
slow-growing. 'Thunderbolt' is
suitable for planting in full shade
or partial shade. 'Thunderbolt' differs from 'Dream Weaver' in that
it has leaves with a wider margin
and narrower cream-white center. The
leaves of 'Thunderbolt' are more
deeply furrowed than those of 'Dream Weaver'.
Asexual reproduction of the new
cultivar was first accomplished by
the inventor in a cultivated area of
Hickory, N.C. in 1998 using tip
cuttings. The characteristics of the
new cultivar have been determined
stable and are reproduced true to
type in successive generations.
The following traits have been
repeatedly observed and represent
the characteristics of the 'Thunderbolt'. These traits in
combination distinguish the new
cultivar from all other commercial
varieties known to the inventor. 'Thunderbolt' has not been tested
under all possible conditions and
phenotypic differences may be
observed with variations in
environmental, climatic and cultural
1. Hosta 'Thunderbolt' exhibits
large, furrowed leaves.
2. The leaves of Hosta 'Thunderbolt' are bluer and thicker than the
parent plant.
3. Hosta 'Thunderbolt' exhibits
leaves with blue-green margins and
golden centers in spring that turn
to cream-white centers as the plant
4. Hosta 'Thunderbolt' exhibits
white flowers in late spring.
5. Hosta 'Thunderbolt' is a vigorous
6. Hosta 'Thunderbolt' is hardy in
USDA Zones 3-8.
The accompanying color laser prints
are copies of original photographs
illustrating the distinguishing
traits of 'Thunderbolt'.
Sheet 1 illustrates the golden
centers on the young foliage.
Sheet 2 illustrates the cream-white
centers and dark blue-green margins
of mature foliage.
Sheet 3 shows 'Thunderbolt' in
flower. All photographs were taken
in Hickory, N.C. of plants grown in
one-gallon containers out-of-doors.
All photographs and laser copies
have been made using conventional
techniques and although colors may
appear different from actual colors
due to light reflectance they are as
accurate as possible by conventional
photography and laser copying.
The following is a detailed
description of the new cultivar at
two years and grown in one-gallon
containers out-of-doors. Data was
recorded in Arroyo Grande, Calif.
The color determinations are in
accordance with The The
Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart, London, England, except
where general color terms of
ordinary dictionary significance are
used. 'Thunderbolt' is no more
susceptible to pest and disease
problems than other Hosta varieties.
Growing conditions are similar to
other Hosta varieties.
Botanical Classification: Hosta sieboldiana 'Thunderbolt'.
Commercial Classification: Herbaceous perennial.
Common name: Plaintain lily.
Use: Container or landscape plant.
Cultural requirements: Plant in full
shade or part shade, and plant in
organically enriched soil.
Parentage: Hosta 'Thunderbolt' is a
branch sport. The parent plant is Hosta sieboldiana variety 'Elegans'.
Plant description:
Flowering season: Late spring and
into summer.
Plant habit: Upright.
Vigor: Vigorous.
Growth rate: Flowering stems grow at
a rate of 20 cm (7.9 in.) . per month.
Plant shape: Broad inverted
Height: 75 cm (29.5 in.) . in height.
Width: 70 cm (28 in.) . in width.
Hardiness: USDA Zones 3-8.
Propagation: Propagation is
accomplished by tip cuttings and/or
Time to initiate roots: 3 weeks.
Range of average nighttime
temperatures: 7-14° Centigrade.
Range of average daytime
temperatures: 14-27° Centigrade.
Crop time: Approximately 20 weeks
are required to produce a finished
one-gallon from a rooted cutting.
Shape: Cylindrical.
Lateral stem dimensions: 75 cm (29.5 in.) . in
length and 5 mm. in diameter.
Stem strength: Strong.
Stipules, tendrils or
thorns: Absent.
Stem surface: Glabrous and dull.
Pubescence: Absent.
Stem color: Striped yellow-green
158C and 144A.
Branching habit: Basal rosette.
Internode length: No internodes.
Leaves are in a basal rosette with
one reduced leaf on each flowering
Type: Evergreen.
Compound or single: Single.
Quantity: Approximately 13 per
Durability of foliage to
stress: Moderate.
Shape: Broad cordate to broad ovate.
Division: Simple.
Apex: Apiculate.
Base: Cordate to attenuate.
Venation: Parallel.
Vein color (adaxial and abaxial
surfaces): In green areas the veins
are 137B and in golden areas the
veins are 160B.
Margins: Entire.
Surface: Dull and furrowed.
Pubescence: Absent.
Arrangement: Alternate in basal
Attachment: Petiolate.
Petiole dimensions: 1.5 cm (0.6 in.) . in width
and 7 mm. in length.
Petiole shape: V-shaped in cross
Petiole color: Yellow and green
striped colors 150D and 143A.
Leaf dimensions: 19 cm (3.5 in.) . in length
and 15 cm (5.9 in.) . in width.
Leaf color on young plants (adaxial
and abaxial surfaces): The center is
closest to 160B and the margins are
Leaf color of mature plants (adaxial
and abaxial surfaces): The center is
158C and the margins are closest to
Fragrance: Absent.
Other foliage characteristics: Each
flowering stem carries one reduced
leaf halfway up the stem. This leaf
is 11 cm (4.3 in.) . in width and 6.7 cm (2.8 in.) . in
Shape: Campanulate.
Type of Inflorescence: Raceme.
Inflorescence dimensions: 25 cm (10 in.) . in
height and 7.5 cm (3 in.) . in width.
Quantity of flowers per Inflorescence: Approximately 29
flowers per inflorescence.
Quantity of flowers per lateral
stem: Approximately 29 flowers per
lateral stem.
Quantity of flowers per
Plant: Approximately 87.
Flower arrangement: Flowers
alternately placed in raceme.
Persistent or
self-cleaning: Persistent.
Aspect: Facing outward and slightly
Bloom period: Continuously blooming
from late spring into July.
Fragrance: Faint sweet scent.
Bud dimensions: 3.20 cm (7.9 in.) . in length
and 1.10 cm. (3.9 in.) in diameter.
Bud shape: Narrow obovate.
Bud color: 85D.
Flower color: 155A.
Flower dimensions: 2.6 cm (1 in.) . in
diameter and 4.7 cm (2.8 in.) . in height.
Rate of opening (per flowering
stem): 20% open all at once and
within 4 weeks the remaining flowers
have opened.
Tepals: Six in number.
Tepal shape: Oblanceolate.
Tepal apex: Acute.
Tepals fused or unfused: Base fused
and upper 60% of tepals are free.
Tepal margin: Entire.
Tepal surface: Dull and glabrous.
Tepal dimensions: 4.6 cm (1.8 in.) . in length
and 1.2 cm (0.5 in.) . in width.
Petaloids: None.
Calyx shape: Campanulate.
Calyx dimensions: 4.6 cm (1.8 in.) . in length
and 2.6 cm (1 in.) . in diameter.
Sepals: No separate sepals, only
Peduncle dimensions: No peduncles,
flowers appear directly at flowering
Pedicel: Present.
Pedicel color: A combination of 138B
and 155C.
Pedicel strength: Strong.
Pedicel dimensions: 2 mm. in
diameter and 1.7 cm (0.7 in.) . in length.
Pedicel angle: 40-65°.
Bract: One at the base of each
Bract dimensions: 2.0 cm (0.8 in.) . in length
and 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) in width.
Bract color: 85D.
Bract shape: Broad elliptic.
Bract apex: Acute.
Bract base: Cuneate.
Reproductive organs:
Stamens: Six in number.
Stamen color: 155C.
Stamen dimensions: 3.50 cm. in
length and 1 mm. in width.
Anther color: 21A.
Amount of pollen: Low.
Pollen color: 21A.
Anther shape: Oblong.
Anther attachment: Dorsifixed.
Anther dimensions: 4 mm. in width
and 5 mm. in length.
Pistil: One in number.
Pistil dimensions: 4.8 cm (1.9 in.) . in length
and 1 mm. in diameter.
Pistil color: 155C.
Stigma shape: Crested.
Stigma color: 155C.
Style color: 155C.
Style dimensions: 4.7 cm (2.8 in.) . in length
and 1 mm. in diameter.
Ovary color: 151C.
Ovary dimensions: 0.50 cm. in height
and 4 mm. in diameter.
Ovary shape: Oblong.
Seed production:
Quantity of Seed: Approximately 12
seeds per fruit.
Seed color: 202A.
Seed dimensions: 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) . in length and
3.5 mm. in diameter.
Seed shape: Flattened oval.
Texture: Dull and slightly ribbed.
Quantity of fruit per lateral
branch: Approximately 25.
Quantity of fruit per
Plant: Approximately 75.
Fruit dimensions: 2.7 cm (2.8 in.) . in length
and 7 mm. in diameter.