The present invention relates to a new and distinct
Hosta plant, Hosta 'One Last Dance' hereinafter also
referred to as the new plant or just the cultivar name, 'One Last Dance'.
Hosta 'One Last Dance' was discovered
by the inventor as a non-induced, naturally-occurring,
whole-plant, chimeral mutation in a batch of tissue
culture propagated Hosta 'Dancing Queen' (not patented)
at a wholesale nursery greenhouse in Zeeland, Mich., USA
in the summer of 2011. The new plant has been asexually
propagated by division at the same
nursery in Zeeland, Mich., USA since 2014 and also by careful plant shoot
tip tissue culture with the resultant asexually
propagated plants having retained all the same traits as
the original plant. Hosta 'One Last Dance' is stable and
reproduces true to type in successive generations of
asexual reproduction.
No plants of Hosta 'One Last Dance' have been sold,
under this or any other name, in this country or
anywhere in the world, prior to the filing of this
application, nor has any disclosure of the new plant
been made prior to the filing of this application with
the exception of that which may have been disclosed
within one year of the filing date of this application
and was either derived directly or indirectly from the
There are over 5,600 registered
Hosta cultivars with
The American
Hosta Society, which is the International
Cultivar Registration Authority for the genus Hosta along with a similar number of unregistered cultivars.
The nearest comparison variety is Hosta 'American Icon' U.S. Plant Pat. No. 17,441, and the new plant differs by
having larger habit, taller scapes with larger and more
flowers and larger foliage but similar variegation
pattern, colors and rippling or sinuate margins.
Other similar hostas include: 'American Choo Choo' (not
patented), 'Satisfaction' (not patented) and 'Sentimental Journey' (not patented). Compared with 'American Choo Choo' the new plant is larger in leaf,
scape and habit and has more sinuate leaf margins.
Compared with 'Satisfaction' the new plant has less
broad variegated margins and larger more sinuate leaves.
Compared with 'Sentimental Journey' the new plant has
greater contrasting yellow leaf margin and dark green
center and the margin is not as sinuate compared with
the chartreuse leaf margin and medium green center of 'Sentimental Journey'. 'Tyler's Treasure' (not patented)
develops a more yellowish-cream leaf margin and does not
have the sinuate leaf margin.
Other Hosta cultivars have variegated foliage, but 'One Last Dance' is distinct from the above mentioned hostas
and all other cultivars known to the discoverer by the
following combined traits:
◦1. Large rounded-mound plant habit with dense
variegated foliage;
◦2. Foliage with wide, intense, yellow margins
developing into a light yellow margin, dark green
centers and long, intermediate, streaks of colors
◦3. Soft lavender flowers on tall slightly arching
scapes; and
◦4. Leaves with deeply impressed veins above and deep
sinuate undulation in margins.
The photographs of the new plant demonstrate the overall
appearance of the plant, including the unique traits.
The colors are as accurate as reasonably possible with
color reproductions. Ambient light spectrum,
temperature, source and direction may cause the
appearance of minor variation in color.
FIG. 1 shows a three-year-old plant grown in a shaded
greenhouse with early summer foliage.
FIG. 2 shows a five-year-old plant in full-flower in a
shaded trial garden at a nursery in Zeeland, Mich. with
supplement fertilizer and water as needed.
FIG. 3 shows a close-up of the foliage from a
five-year-old plant in mid- to late summer with light
yellow margins, dark green center and several
intermediate streaks of different colors between.
The following descriptions and color references are
based on the 2001 edition of
The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart except where common dictionary
terms are used. The new plant, Hosta 'One Last Dance’,
has not been observed under all possible environments.
The phenotype may vary slightly with different
environmental conditions, such as temperature, light,
fertility, moisture and maturity levels, but without any
change in the genotype. The following observations and
size descriptions are of a potted three-year old plant
in a shaded greenhouse in Zeeland, Mich. with
supplemental water and fertilizer.
•Botanical Classification: Hosta hybrid;
•Parentage: Whole-plant mutation of Hosta 'Dancing Queen' (not patented);
• Propagation: Garden division and sterile shoot-tip
tissue culture;
•Time to initiate roots from tissue culture: About two
to three weeks;
•Growth rate: Rapid;
•Crop time: About 10 to 12 weeks to finish during the
summer in a one-liter container from rooted tissue
culture plantlet;
•Rooting habit: Normal, fleshy, slightly branching;
•Plant shape and habit: Hardy herbaceous perennial with
basal rosette of leaves emerging from rhizomes producing
a large symmetrical rounded-mound of leaves;
•Plant size: Foliage height about 80.0 cm above soil
line to the top of the leaves and about 145.0 cm (1.9 in.) wide at
the widest point slightly above the soil line;
• Foliage description: Glabrous, slightly glaucous
abaxial and slightly lustrous adaxial; cordate; margin
entire and sinuate; acute apex with cordate base;
•Leaf blade size: To about 35.0 cm (1.9 in.) long and 23.5 cm (1.4 in.) wide
with margin about 7.0 cm (2.8 in.) wide, average about 28.0 cm (3.2 in.)
long and 20.0 cm (7.9 in.) wide with margin about 5.5 cm (2.1 in.) wide;
•Leaf blade color: Early season and shortly after
emerging adaxial center color blend between RHS 137A and
RHS 138A, margin blend between RHS N144A and RHS 145A,
irregular intermediate streaks and patches consisting of
nearest RHS N138D, RHS N138C and RHS 143C; early season
abaxial center nearest RHS 143A, early season abaxial
margin nearest RHS 151D; other intermediate colors in
irregular patches and stripes between the margin and
center comprising nearest RHS 145A and RHS N144D;
mid-season and later summer adaxial centers nearest RHS
137A, mid-season and later adaxial margins varying
between RHS 18B and RHS 146C depending on light
intensity; mid-season and later abaxial center between
RHS 137B and RHS 138A, mid-season and later abaxial
margins nearest RHS N144A, other intermediate colors in
irregular stripes and patches comprising nearest RHS
N144C and RHS 145A;
•Petiole: Entire, glabrous, concavo-convex; slightly
arching from base of plant to leaf base, stiff; to about
50.0 cm long and at base 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) across and 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) deep;
average 46.0 cm (2.4 in.) long and base 2.5 mm wide and 1.5 cm (0.6 in.)
•Petiole color: Adaxial midrib between RHS 143C and RHS
137D with margin nearest RHS 144A; abaxial midrib
nearest RHS 145D with margin nearest RHS 144A and center
blending to nearest RHS 137C before margin;
•Veins: Parallel, camptodrome; deeply impressed adaxial,
costate and asperous abaxial; 14 to 16 pairs with one
midrib, average 15 pairs;
•Veins color: Adaxial nearest RHS 147C and abaxial
nearest RHS 148C;
• Flower description:
•Buds one day prior to opening: Clavate with rounded
apex and narrow tubular base; about 57.0 mm long, apical
bulb about 12.5 mm diameter and tube about 4.0 mm
•Bud color: Nearest RHS N80D;
•Inflorescence: Average flowering portion 35.0 cm (1.9 in.) long
and 8.0 cm (3.2 in.) wide;
• Flowers: perfect: Single; campanulate, funnelform;
actinomorphic; attitude drooping; about 3.6 cm wide and
6.4.0 cm (1.6 in.) long, fused tube portion about 1.8 cm (3.1 in.) long and
4.5 mm diameter (distal flowers smaller); persistent;
effective for a normal period, usually one day on plant
or as cut flower; scapes remain effective with flowers
beginning early summer for about three weeks; about 60
flowers per scape; average spacing between flowers about 0.5 cm (0.2 in.), significantly greater in proximal flowers;
•Floral bracts: Lanceolate; acute apex; truncate sessile
base; concavo-convex; to about 8.5 cm (3.3 in.) long and 2.5 cm (1.0 in.)
wide decreasing distally, average about 2.8 cm (3.1 in.) long and
9.0 mm across;
•Floral bract color: Nearest RHS 145D with light blush
of nearest N77D;
•Flower fragrance: None detected;
•Tepal: Six; two nearly identical sets of three,
glabrous, entire; with acute apex; inner set with
transparent margin about 1.0 mm wide; approximately 4.5 cm (1.8 in.) long and about 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) wide;
•Tepal color: Coloring of both sets adaxial longitudinal
center about 4.0 mm wide nearest RHS N80D and
longitudinal edge lighter than RHS 76D without obvious
veins; abaxial between RHS 76C and RHS 76D; abaxial tube
between RHS 76C and RHS 76D;
•Gynoecium: Single; tri-carpelled; Style. Single,
approximately 6.2 cm (2.4 in.) long, 1.0 mm diameter, curved
upward about 90° in distal 2.0 cm (0.8 in.) ; color lighter than
RHS 155D.
Stigma. Globose, about 1.5 mm in diameter; color
nearest RHS 155D.
Ovary. Oblong, about 7.0 mm long and 2.5 mm diameter at
widest; rounded apex and truncate base; color nearest
RHS 155A.
•Androecium: Filaments. Six, approximately 5.5 cm (2.1 in.)
long and 0.8 mm in diameter; curved upward in the apical
12.0 mm; color nearest RHS 155D.
Anthers. Elliptic; dorsifixed, longitudinally
dehiscent; about 6.0 mm long and 0.5 mm wide; color
nearest RHS 177A.
Pollen. Abundant; elliptic, less than 0.1 mm long;
color nearest RHS 23A.
•Peduncle: Usually one per mature division; glaucous,
glabrous to becoming slightly lustrous later in season;
upright to slightly arching; about 135.0 cm (1.9 in.) tall, and up
to about 13.0 mm in diameter at base; average about
120.0 cm tall and about 12.0 mm diameter at base;
•Peduncle color: When flowering between RHS 137A and RHS
•Pedicel: Glabrous; terete; secund; up to 30.0 mm long
and 3.0 mm diameter, average about 14.0 mm long and 2.0
mm diameter; attitude outwardly to slightly drooping;
color nearest RHS 146D;
• Fruit: Tri-valved dehiscent capsule; elliptic, about
3.4.0 cm (1.6 in.) long and 7.0 mm diameter, with thin beak about
0.5 mm diameter extending about 3.5 mm; color as
maturing between RHS 137A and RHS 146A and when mature
nearest RHS 161B;
• Seed: Typically about 30 per capsule; endospermic;
flattened-elliptic wing surrounding embryo situated
toward one end of ellipse; up to 11.0 mm long and 4.0 mm
wide and 1.0 mm thick at embryo; color nearest RHS 202A;
•Disease tolerance and resistance: The new plant has not
shown any resistance to pests and diseases common to
hostas. The plant grows best and shows best coloration
with plenty of moisture, adequate drainage and light
shade, but is able to tolerate some drought when mature.
Hardiness at least from USDA zone 3 through 9, and other
disease resistance is typical of that of other hostas.