The present invention relates to the
new and distinct cultivar of Hosta, botanically known as Hosta hybrid (Tratt.),
and hereinafter referred to as the
cultivar 'Sparkler'. The new plant
was discovered by the inventor,
Hannah B. Zwagerman as a
non-induced, naturally-occurring
whole-plant mutation of Hosta 'Fireworks' U.S. Plant Pat. No.
16,062 in a greenhouse at a
nursery in Zeeland, Mich., USA during the
summer of 2007. Asexual propagation
of the plant at the same nursery by
tissue culture and division has
shown that the unique and distinct
characteristics of this new plant
are stable and reproduce true to
type in successive generations.
Hosta 'Sparkler' is unique from its
mutation parent, Hosta 'Fireworks’,
and all other Hosta cultivars known
to the inventor, in several traits. Hosta 'Fireworks' is the nearest
comparison variety known to the
inventor. Hosta 'Fireworks' is a
tissue-culture derived mutation from Hosta 'Loyalist' (not patented),
which is a mutation of Hosta 'Patriot' (not patented) which
originated as a mutation from Hosta 'Francee' (not patented). Hosta 'Francee' and 'Patriot' both have
creamy white margins with the former
having a thinner margin, and the
latter, wider margins. Hosta 'Loyalist' (a reverse-type
variegation pattern with creamy
white centers and green margins) has
a broader and flatter leave blade
than either 'Fireworks' or the new
Several other named cultivars are
indistinguishable or similar to Hosta 'Loyalist' including: 'Fire and Ice' (not patented), 'Mademoiselle' (not patented), 'Pathfinder' (not patented), 'Paul
Revere' (not patented) and 'Snowdrift' (not patented). Hosta 'Fireworks' has a narrower leaf,
with a folded blade. In side by side
comparisons 'Sparkler' is a more
rapid grower than both 'Loyalist' and 'Fireworks’, but in size 'Sparkler' is smaller and more
compact in plant height and width
than both 'Loyalist' and 'Fireworks'. 'Sparkler' reaches
saleable size in an 8 cm (3.1 in.) diameter
plug in about 5 months from a rooted
tissue culture plantlet. Hosta 'Sparkler' has very thick, rigid
leaves giving the whole plant an
upright form and habit. The leaf
blades and petioles have a wide dark
green margin and creamy-white
centers. 'Sparkler' flowers in
mid-summer with light lavender
flowers, on scapes above the
foliage. Other similar Hosta cultivars include 'Little Treasure' U.S. Plant Pat. No. 21,210, which
has flatter more elongated leaf
blades, more acute leaf apex, a more
glaucous texture giving the foliage
a bluer margin than 'Sparkler' and
the leaf center of 'Little Treasure' is more yellowish creamy colored.
Hosta 'Sparkler' is unique from all
other known Hosta cultivars in the
combined characteristics:
1. Stiff, heavy-substance,
thick foliage with conduplicate leaf
2. Variegation of white
centers and dark green margins and
intermediate colors feathered
between margin and center.
3. Erect cream-colored
scapes with upright facing light
lavender flowers in mid-July and
each flower subtended by a
variegated bract.
4. Short habit with dense
The photographs of the new invention
demonstrate the overall appearance
of the plant including the unique
traits. The colors are as accurate
as reasonably possible with color
reproductions. Some slight variation
of color may occur as a result of
lighting quality, intensity,
wavelength, direction or reflection.
FIG. 1 shows a two-year old plant of Hosta 'Sparkler' in a trial garden
in mid-season before flowering.
FIG. 2 shows a three-year old plant
in flower.
The following descriptions and color
references are based on The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart (2001 edition) except where common
dictionary terms are used. The new
plant, Hosta 'Sparkler’, has not
been observed under all possible
environments. The phenotype may vary
slightly with different
environmental conditions, such as
temperature, light, fertility and
moisture, but without any change in
the genotype.
The following observations and size
descriptions are of a three-year old
plant in a six-liter container grown
in a greenhouse in Zeeland, Mich.,
USA under 50% artificial shade, day
temperatures of 20 to 33 degrees C.,
and night temperatures of 15 to 25
degrees C.
+ Botanical Classification: Hosta hybrid cultivar '
+ Parentage: Naturally-occurring whole-plant
mutation of
Hosta '
Fireworks' U.S.
Plant Pat. No. 16,002.
• Propagation: Method by
tissue culture and division; time to
initiate roots from both division
and tissue culture about 21 to 24
days from cutting.
• Rooting habit: Normal,
fleshy, about 2.5 mm thick, slightly
branching; root color normally
lighter than RHS 155D.
• Plant habit: Herbaceous,
densely rhizomatous perennial,
symmetrical with erect rarely
arching peduncle, leaves upright and
erect through flowering period,
becoming more horizontal later in
the season and in maturity.
• Crop time: Under normal
summer greenhouse growing conditions
about 20 weeks to finish in a
one-liter container; plant vigor
• Plant size: Foliage at
flowering is 15.0 cm (2 in.) to 20.0 cm (7.9 in.) tall
above soil line and 35.0 cm (2 in.) to 40.0 cm (15.7 in.)
wide at widest point about 5.0 cm (2 in.) to
10.0 cm above soil line; scape
flowering to 37.0 cm (2.8 in.) tall.
• Foliage description: Elliptic leaf blades with acute apex
and attenuate base; stiff thick
substance, entire, simple, glabrous,
glossy above, slightly glaucous
below; Leaf blades; conduplicate,
9.0 to 11.0 cm long and 3.2 to 4.2
cm wide average about 10.0 cm long
and 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) wide; variegation of
green margins and creamy white
centers with intermediate colors
feathered between; margin width
variable between 6.0 mm and 12.0 mm
at the widest point.
• Foliage color: Emerging
adaxial margin darker than RHS 144A
and adaxial center between RHS 150D
and RHS 154D with intermediate
feathering of nearest RHS 147D and
between RHS 144A and RHS 144B;
emerging abaxial margin between RHS
138A and RHS 138B and abaxial center
nearest RHS 13D with intermediate
feathering between RHS 144A and RHS
144B; mid-season and later adaxial
margin nearest RHS 139A and adaxial
center nearest RHS 155D with
intermediate feathering of lighter
than RHS N138D, nearest RHS 143B and
nearest RHS N138B; mid-season and
later abaxial margin nearest RHS
N138A and abaxial center nearest RHS
155D with intermediate feathering of
nearest RHS 144A, nearest RHS N138C
and nearest RHS 137C.
• Venation: Parallel, at
three-years old five to six vein
pairs on either side of main center
- Vein color: Same color as
surrounding leaf surface either
adaxial or abaxial.
• Petioles: Entire, glabrous,
glossy above and glaucous below; 6.0
to 9.5 cm (3.7 in.) long and 6.0 to 8.5 mm
- Petiole color: Adaxial
margin continues with leaf blade
color of nearest RHS 139A on the
margin and center nearest RHS 155D;
abaxial margin nearest RHS N138A and
center nearest RHS 155C.
• Flower description:
- Buds: One to two days prior
to opening narrowly clavate, acute
apex; upright in bud nearly
adpressed along peduncle; 2.5 to 3.2
cm long, up to 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) wide.
- Bud color: Tepals between
RHS 76A and RHS 76B with fissures
between RHS N81B and N81C; apical
3.0 mm tips with green ridges of
nearest RHS 137A.
Flowers: 27 to 35 per scape,
usually one scape per division;
funnelform, 2.0 to 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) wide and
3.0 to 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) long, (distal flowers
being smaller) subtended by a single
bract: flowers persist for a normal
period, up to two days on or off the
plant, and the scapes remain
effective from mid-July to early
• Flower fragrance: None
• Tepal: Normally six,
simple, entire, fused at the base,
oblong to elliptic, with slightly-recurved
acute apex, approximately 3.5 cm (1.4 in.)
long and 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) wide, arranged in
two layers of three, the inner three
with clear margin of about 1.0 to
2.0 mm wide.
- Tepal color: Distal main
adaxial color in center of tepals is
Red purple RHS 69D with violet
stripes of RHS 84B, 2.0 to 3.0 mm
margin of whiter than RHS 155D
except clear transparent margin on
inner tepal set; distal back of
tepals between RHS 75B and 76B
without obvious stripes.
• Bract: Simple, entire,
narrowly-acute, sessile, with base
clasping scape, up to 4.0 cm (1.6 in.) long
and 1.4 cm (0.6 in.) wide; persist beyond
flowers dehiscence; with the same
colors and pattern as the leaves.
• Peduncle: Glaucous, erect
to 38.0 cm (3.2 in.) tall and 5.0 mm in
diameter; color nearest RHS 11D with
of stippling lighter than RHS 187D
concentrating heavier at the apical
one third.
• Pedicel: Approximately 8.0
mm long, 3.0 mm wide, color nearest
RHS 145D with stippling of nearest
RHS 76A.
• Gynoecium:
- Style: Single, 3.5 to 4.0 cm (1.6 in.)
long, 1.0 mm diameter curled upward
at distal end; near white, lighter
than RHS 155D.
- Stigma: Globose, up to 2.0
mm diameter; white, lighter than RHS
• Androecium:
- Filaments: Normally six,
slightly curved in middle and
proximal ⅓; approximately 1 mm in
diameter and up to 4.0 cm (1.6 in.) long;
color white, lighter than RHS 155D.
- Anthers: About 3.5 mm long,
1.0 mm wide, color nearest about
N187B around margin of abaxial side,
nearest RHS 155D in center.
- Pollen: Spherical, less than
0.1 mm diameter; color yellow-orange
nearest RHS 17B.
• Seeds: Not yet observed.
• Pest and Disease resistance: The plant is more
resistant to melting-out than many
other white or light-centered
cultivars. It grows best with plenty
of moisture but is able to tolerate
some drought. Hardiness to at least
USDA zone 3, and other disease
resistance is typical of other
Hostas. 'Sparkler' appears more
resistant to slugs and other pests
than Hostas with
Hosta plantaginea lineage.