The present invention relates to the new and distinct Hosta plant, Hosta ‘Little Jay' discovered by
Hendrik Jan van den Top at a nursery in The Netherlands.
The Plant is an uninduced whole plant sport of the Hosta cultivar 'Beauty Little Blue' (not patented). 'Beauty Little Blue' is a cross of Hosta ‘Blue
Cadet' (not patented) with
Hosta clausa var.
(not patented). The plant has been
successfully asexually propagated by division and tissue
culture methods at a plant nursery in Barneveld, The
Netherlands and found to produce identical plants that
maintain the unique characteristics of the original
plant. The plant is stable and reproduces true to type
in successive generations of asexual reproduction.
Hosta 'Little Jay' differs from its parents, as well as all
other hostas known to the applicant, in that the
plant has a very narrow variegated leaf that emerges
with the center pale yellow in the spring and with
sunlight and warmer temperatures lightens to a white.
The leaf margin is green with a slight glaucous bloom
producing a slightly bluish cast.
The most similar known Hosta cultivar is Hosta 'Fireworks' U.S. Plant Pat. Ser. No. 16,062. 'Fireworks' has a larger and wider leaf, does not start
up as yellow in the center, and the flower is lighter
The photographs of the new plant demonstrate the overall
appearance of the plant, including the unique traits.
The colors are as accurate as reasonably possible with
color reproductions. Ambient light spectrum, source and
direction may cause the appearance of minor variation in
FIG. 1 shows the foliage early in the season in
Barneveld, Netherlands.
FIG. 2 shows the foliage after flowering in Barneveld,
There are about 3,500 cultivars registered with The American Hosta Society, which is the
International Cultivar Registration Authority for the
genus Hosta. Hosta ‘Little Jay' differs from
these and all unregistered cultivars known to the
inventor in that it has:
1. Long lance-like blue green foliage with a light
yellow becoming creamy white center portion of the leaf;
Short habit, small-sized clumps with medium purple
flowers on creamy yellow scapes.
The following descriptions and color references are
based on the 2001 edition of The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart except where common dictionary
terms are used. The new plant, Hosta ‘Little Jay’, has not been observed under all possible
environments. The phenotype may vary slightly with
different environmental conditions, such as temperature,
light, fertility, moisture and maturity levels, but
without any change in the genotype. The following
observations and size descriptions are of a two-year old
containerized plant in a nursery in Barneveld,
Netherlands under controlled shade canopy with
supplemental water and fertilizer.
+ Botanical Classification: Hosta hybrid.
+ Parentage: naturally occurring sport of Hosta 'Beauty Little Blue' (not patented).
+ Propagation:
Method: By
sterile laboratory tissue culture division and garden
division; Time to initiate roots from tissue culture:
about four weeks; Rooting habit: normal, fleshy, slightly
+ Plant description:
Plant shape and habit: Hardy
herbaceous perennial with basal rosette leaves,
symmetrical and arching over, spreading by rhizomes.
Crop time: Under
normal summer growing conditions 18 cm (7 in.) to 20 weeks to
finish in a one-liter container; plant vigor is good to
high in comparison to other center variegated hostas.
Plant size: Foliage
height at flowering is 11 to 15 cm (5.9 in.) tall from soil line
to the top of the leaves and 20 to 25 cm (10 in.) wide above the
soil line.
+ Foliage description:
Shape and size: Elliptic
to lanceolate leaf blades, narrowly acute apex and base
acutely tapered toward petiole. The leaf blades are 6 to
9 cm (3.5 in.) long and 2.5 cm (1 in.) to 3.0 cm (1.2 in.) wide; margin is entire, and
the variegation pattern on the darker edge varies in
different regions of the leaf from 2 to 8 mm wide; 4 and
6 pairs of major parallel veins the same color as the
surrounding leaf tissue on the top and bottom of the
leaves; top and bottom surfaces are dull without slight
glaucous bloom; Color of young emerging Leaves: Top
center surface: between RHS 3B and RHS 3C; Top margin
surface: between RHS 141B and RHS 143A; Underside
center: RHS 3D; Underside margin: RHS 141B with some
intermediate between the margin and center on both top
and bottom of RHS N144A and lighter than RHS N144C.
Color of mature Leaves: Top surface center: lighter than
RHS 2D; top surface margin: RHS 133A with some
intermediate colors of RHS 133 C and RHS 144C; Underside
center: closest to RHS 2D; underside margin: closest to
RHS 133B with intermediate colors of RHS 133 D and
lighter than RHS 133D.
Petioles: 3
to 5 cm (2 in.) long and about 5 mm wide. The leaf margin
variegation continues down the petiole about 1 mm
wide of RHS 141 C on young foliage on both top and
underside, and center is nearest RHS 154 D on both
surfaces. On older foliage the petiole the margin of
both surfaces is RHS 143 B, and both surfaces of the
center are lighter than RHS 2D.
+ Flower description:
Buds: One
day prior to opening about RHS 85 C; approximately 3.2
cm long, up to 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) wide, clavate with acute ovoid
apex and longer thin base.
Flowers: 10
to 18 per scape; funnelform; 2.5 to 2.8 cm (3.1 in.) wide and
about 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) long, (distal flowers being smaller),
persists for a normal period, usually one day on or cut
from plant, and the scapes remain effective from mid
July into August. No detectable fragrance.
Tepal: Two
sets of three fused at the base; clavate with acute
apex; entire; approximately 3.5 cm (1.4 in.) long and 1.0 cm (0.4 in.) wide,
about RHS N82 D on the outside of both sets becoming
lighter toward the base; inside about RHS N 76 C.
Gynoecium: Single;
Style 3.5 to 3.8 cm (3.1 in.) long, white, lighter than RHS 11 D,
1 mm diameter, slightly curved at distal end; Stigma 1
mm to 2 mm in diameter, white, lighter than RHS 11 D;
Androecium Filaments six, white, lighter than RHS 11 D,
less than 1 mm in diameter, about 3.0 cm long; Anthers 4
mm long, 1.0 mm wide, RHS 83B; Pollen elliptical, less
than 0.1 mm long, nearest RHS 15 A;
Bracts: Bracts
below flowers sessile, completely or nearly completely
wrapped around scape; normally up to 1.5 cm (0.6 in.) long and 8
mm wide; smaller and protruding when subtending flowers;
margin of both surfaces RHS 141 B; center of both
surfaces when exposed to direct sun between RHS 3C and
Peduncle: One
per mature division, approximately six per clump; erect
20 to 28 cm (11 in.) tall and about 4 mm in diameter, pale yellow
color RHS 3D with slight glaucous surface.
Pedicel: Approximately
0.6 cm (0.25 in.) long and 2 mm wide; RHS 3C; curled slightly
Fruit: Viable
seed has not been observed.
+ Disease resistance: Resistance beyond that of other
hostas has not been observed. The plant grows best
with plenty of moisture and adequate drainage, but is
able to tolerate some drought when mature. Hardiness at
least from USDA zone 3 through 9, and other disease
resistance is typical of that of other hostas.