How many different hostas exist? Nobody knows for sure. We have over 15,000 different hosta names in our database with each one having its own page. Excluding duplicate names (two different plants but only one name or one plant with multiple names), out-dated or incorrect names and "extinct" plants, we have descriptive information on nearly 10,000 hosta cultivars, botanical varieties and species. We have 8,842 pictures of 4,153 cultivars and species of hostas.

Included in the list below are ALL the hostas in the database. Each name may not represent an individual hosta plant. We have include every name we have found in decades of searches through books, catalogs, The Hosta Journal and numerous on-line references.  Some of the names are duplicates or outdated and have been replaced by newer ones. A few have been changed as the genus, Hosta continues to be studied by taxonomists.

  1. '1 800 Full Moon'
  2. '1 in a Thousand'
  3. '1 2 Adore'
  4. '101st Airborne'
  5. 'O Fuji Fukurin'
  6. 'O' Heartland Gold'
  7. 'O Kanzashi'
  8. 'Oak Tree'
  9. 'Oakview'
  10. 'Oasis' (Ward)
  11. 'Oasis' (Malloy)
  12. 'Oba Gibōshi'
  13. 'Oba Kanzashi'
  14. 'Oberland Advanced Technology'
  15. 'Oberland Blue Dimension'
  16. 'Oberland Colourful Noise'
  17. 'Oberland Darkness'
  18. 'Oberland Green Swallow'
  19. 'Oberland Spring Air'
  20. 'Oberland Thin Line'
  21. 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'
  22. 'Obscene Gesture'
  23. 'Obscura'
  24. 'Obscura Albo-marginata'
  25. 'Obscura Aureomarginata'
  26. 'Obsession'
  27. 'Occupy Wall Street'
  28. 'Ocean Dusk'
  29. 'Ocean Isle'
  30. 'Ocean Isle Abracadabra'
  31. 'Ocean Isle Blue'
  32. 'Ocean Isle Gold'
  33. 'Ocean Isle Gold Dust'
  34. 'Ocean Isle Tide Line'
  35. 'Ocean Isle Tie Dye'
  36. 'Ocean Isle Tornado'
  37. 'Ocean Isle Twist'
  38. 'Ocean Tide'
  39. 'Ocean's Away'
  40. 'Ocean's Blue'
  41. 'Ocean's Fury'
  42. 'October Fest'
  43. 'October Skies'
  44. 'October Sky'
  45. 'October Statement'
  46. 'Odd Ball'
  47. 'Odd Goddess'
  48. 'Oddity Prize'
  49. 'Ode to Joy'
  50. 'Oder'
  51. 'Odina'
  52. 'Odo'
  53. 'Odyssey'
  54. 'Og, Son of Fire'
  55. 'Oga'
  56. 'Oga Gibōshi'
  57. 'Oglala'
  58. 'Ogata Bunchoko'
  59. 'Ogon'
  60. 'Ōgon', H. capitata
  61. 'Ōgon', H. cathayana
  62. 'Ōgon', H. hybpoleuca
  63. 'Ōgon', H. kikutii polyneuron
  64. 'Ōgon', H. longipes
  65. 'Ōgon', H. montana
  66. 'Ōgon', H. nakaiana
  67. 'Ōgon', H. pycnophylla
  68. 'Ōgon', H. rectifolia
  69. 'Ōgon', H. tsushimiensis
  70. 'Ōgon', H. venusta
  71. 'Ogon Akikaze'
  72. 'Ogon Albomarginata'
  73. 'Ōgon Amagi'
  74. 'Ōgon Amagi Iwa'
  75. 'Ōgon Baran'
  76. 'Ogon Chirifu Hime'
  77. 'Ogon Dai Tokudama'
  78. 'Ogon Fukurin'
  79. 'Ogon Fukurin Oba'
  80. 'Ogon Hime' (Landis)
  81. 'Ogon Hime' (Kenji Watanabe)
  82. 'Ogon Hime' (Zilis)
  83. 'Ogon Hime' H. sieboldii
  84. 'Ōgon Hime Tokudama'
  85. 'Ōgon Iwa'
  86. 'Ogon Kabitan'
  87. 'Ōgon Kanzashi'
  88. 'Ogon Ko Urajiro'
  89. 'Ōgon Koba'
  90. 'Ogon Kuro'
  91. 'Ōgon Murasaki'
  92. 'Ogon Nishiki'
  93. 'Ōgon Oba'
  94. 'Ōgon Otome'
  95. 'Ogon Otome Gibosa'
  96. 'Ogon Otome Hideko'
  97. 'Ōgon Sagae'
  98. 'Ōgon Setouchi'
  99. 'Ōgon Sudare'
  100. 'Ōgon Tachi'
  101. 'Ogon Tokudama'
  102. 'Ōgon Tsushima'
  103. 'Ogon Urajiro'
  104. 'Ogon Waisei'
  105. 'Ogon Wogon'
  106. 'Oh Audrey'
  107. 'Oh Baby Mine'
  108. 'Oh by Gosh'
  109. 'Oh Charlie'
  110. 'Oh Cindy'
  111. 'Oh Dannyboy'
  112. 'Oh Henry'
  113. 'Oh My Darling'
  114. 'Oh My Heart'
  115. 'Oh to Be Fourteen'
  116. 'Oh! Susanna'
  117. 'Oh! Them Golden Slippers'
  118. 'Ohatsuki'
  119. 'Ohh! Alpha'
  120. 'Ohh! Amber'
  121. 'Ohh! Blue Beacon'
  122. 'Ohh! Blue Bounty'
  123. 'Ohh! Blue Bruiser'
  124. 'Ohh! Blue Finale'
  125. 'Ohh! Blue Granite'
  1. 'Ohh! Blue Otto'
  2. 'Ohh! Charlotte!'
  3. 'Ohh! Clare'
  4. 'Ohh! Elvira'
  5. 'Ohh! His Blue Eyes'
  6. 'Ohh! Jewel'
  7. 'Ohh! Laurel'
  8. 'Ohh! Lovilia'
  9. 'Ohh! Ludell'
  10. 'Ohh! Powder Blue River'
  11. 'Ohh! Richland Reward'
  12. 'Ohh! Tut's Treasure'
  13. 'Ohh! Ultra Aqua'
  14. 'Ohh! Valeria'
  15. 'Ohh! Viola'
  16. 'O'Harra'
  17. 'Ohigan Gibōshi'
  18. 'Ohio Blue'
  19. 'Ohio River'
  20. 'OHS Bryan's Blue'
  21. 'OHS Butter Pat'
  22. 'OHS Calamari'
  23. 'OHS Juno'
  24. 'OHS Love in the Mist'
  25. 'OHS Margot's Delight'
  26. 'OHS Udo's Labour'
  27. 'Oil on Canvas'
  28. 'Oil Paint'
  29. 'Ojibway'
  30.  H. okamotoi
  31. 'Okan'
  32. 'Okaydokey'
  33. 'Okazaki'
  34. 'Okazaki Hajime'
  35. 'Okazaki Special'
  36. 'Okeanos'
  37. 'Okefenokee'
  38. 'Okobaji'
  39. 'OKUHIDA'
  40. 'Okukuji Nakafu Iwa'
  41. 'Okutama'
  42. 'Okutama Nakafu'
  43. 'Okutama Nishiki'
  44. 'Okuyama Gibōshi'
  45. 'Old Arrowhead'
  46. 'Old Bill'
  47. 'Old Black Magic'
  48. 'Old Blue Eyes'
  49. 'Old Blue Whaler'
  50. 'Old Cadillac'
  51. 'Old Cardboard Boxes'
  52. 'Old Coot'
  53. 'Old Faithful'
  54. 'Old Frosty'
  55. 'Old Glory'
  56. 'Old Gnarly'
  57. 'Old Gold Edge'
  58. 'Old Hercules'
  59. 'Old Hump Back'
  60. 'Old Ironsides'
  61. 'Old Jerusalem Road'
  62. 'Old Man and the Sea'
  63. 'Old Rough House'
  64. 'Old School'
  65. 'Old Smokey'
  66. 'Old Smoky'
  67. 'Old Weathersfield'
  68. 'Old Yeller'
  69. 'Oldie but Goldie'
  70. 'Olga'
  71. 'Olga Gibosa'
  72. 'Olga Gibōshi'
  73. 'Olga Thiemann Dwarf Glaucous'
  74. 'Olga Thiemann Dwarf Grey Leaf'
  75. 'Olga's Shiny Leaf'
  76. 'Olive Bailey Langdon'
  77. 'Olive Branch'
  78. 'Olive Oil'
  79. 'Olive Oyl'
  80. 'Olive Pauley's Seedling #5'
  81. 'Oliver'
  82. 'Oliver Garden'
  83. 'Olive's Freckles'
  84. 'Olivia'
  85. 'Olympic Edger'
  86. 'Olympic Fab Five'
  87. 'Olympic Glacier'
  88. 'Olympic Gold'
  89. 'Olympic Gold Medal'
  90. 'Olympic Magic'
  91. 'Olympic Mist'
  92. 'Olympic Silver Medal'
  93. 'Olympic Sunrise'
  94. 'Olympic Torch'
  95. 'Olympic Twilight'
  96. 'Omaha'
  97. 'Oma's Sunrise'
  98. 'Omar the Tentmaker'
  99. 'Omatsu-san Nishiki'
  100. 'Omega'
  101. 'OmegaOmega'
  102. 'OMG'
  103. 'Omlett'
  104. 'Omoto'
  105. 'On Angel Wings'
  106. 'On Fire'
  107. 'On Golden Pond'
  108. 'On Parade'
  109. 'On Show'
  110. 'On Stage'
  111. 'On the Border'
  112. 'On the Edge'
  113. 'On the Marc'
  114. 'Once upon a Time'
  115. 'One and Only'
  116. 'One Cent'
  117. 'One Fine Day'
  118. 'One Iota'
  119. 'One Iota Streaked'
  120. 'One Iota Supreme'
  121. 'One Last Dance'
  122. 'One Man's Treasure'
  123. 'One-trip Salad Bar'
  124. 'Oneida'
  125. 'Only Time'
  1. 'Only You'
  2. 'Onoda'
  3. 'Onoda Type II'
  4. 'Ontario Blue'
  5. 'Ooh La La'
  6. 'Ooltewah'
  7. 'OOME'
  8. 'Ooshima-jishi'
  9. 'Ooshima-jishi Hachijo'
  10. "OP2BL"
  11. 'Opal Scepter'
  12. 'Opal Tiara'
  13. 'Open Hearted'
  14. 'Ophir'
  15. 'Opipara'
  16. 'Opipara Koriyama'
  17. 'Opipara Noble One'
  18. 'Opipara Omatsa San'
  19. 'Oplosa'
  20. 'Ops'
  21. 'Oracle'
  22. 'Orange Crush'
  23. 'Orange Ice'
  24. 'Orange Joy'
  25. 'Orange Marmalade'
  26. 'Orange Rose'
  27. 'Orange Slices'
  28. 'Orange Star'
  29. 'Orca Whale'
  30. 'Oreo Cookies'
  31. 'Oreo Cream'
  32. 'Oriana'
  33. 'Oriental Sunrise'
  34. 'Origami'
  35. 'Orinoco Flow'
  36. 'Orion's Belt'
  37. 'Orleans Island'
  38. 'Orphan Annie'
  39. 'Orphan Child'
  40. 'Orphan Train Rider'
  41. 'Orphan Train Ruffian'
  42. 'Orphan Train Twins'
  43. 'Oshima Silk'
  44. 'Oshimajishi'
  45. 'Oshkosh'
  46. 'Osiris Bleu Nuit'
  47. 'Osiris Blue Night'
  48. 'Osiris Folichon'
  49. 'Osiris Giant Green'
  50. 'Osiris Illumination'
  51. 'Osiris Insomniaque'
  52. 'Osiris Le Petit Roi'
  53. 'Osiris Louis Cyr'
  54. 'Osiris Marie Robillard'
  55. 'Osiris Mignonne'
  56. 'Osiris Mirage'
  57. 'Osiris Obscure'
  58. 'Osiris Ovation'
  59. 'Osiris Pacha'
  60. 'Osiris Petite Prince'
  61. 'Osiris Prestige'
  62. 'Osiris Sentinelle'
  63. 'Osiris Soleil Levant'
  64. 'Osiris Trouvaille'
  65. 'Oskewowow'
  66. 'Osprey'
  67. 'Otafuku'
  68. 'Otao Keikoku'
  69. 'Otaras Angel'
  70. 'Otaras Sunrise'
  71. 'Otome'
  72. 'Otome Gibōshi'
  73. 'Otome Gibōshi Fukurin'
  74. 'Otome Gokoro'
  75. 'Otome-no-Ka'
  76. 'Otome-no-mai'
  77. 'Otome-no-Mainakafi'
  78. 'Otome-no-Niji'
  79. 'Otome Shirofukurin'
  80. 'Otome Shironakafu'
  81. 'Ototo San'
  82. 'Ottawa'
  83. 'Otter Point'
  84. 'Ougon Waisei'
  85. 'Our Child'
  86. 'Our Friend Reldon'
  87. 'Out of Print'
  88. 'Out of the Blue'
  89. 'Out of the Darkness'
  90. 'Out of the Fog'
  91. 'Out of This World'
  92. 'Outer Banks'
  93. 'Outer Limits'
  94. 'Outer Space'
  95. 'Outhouse Delight'
  96. 'Outrageous'
  97. 'Outrageous Benedict'
  98. 'Outrageous Dragon'
  99. 'Outrigger'
  100. 'Outside'
  101. 'Ovalwood'
  102. 'Ovata'
  103. 'Ovation'
  104. 'Over the Moon'
  105. 'Over the Rainbow'
  106. 'Over the Waves'
  107. 'Over Yu Wu'
  108. 'Overserved'
  109. 'Owen Online'
  110. 'Owens Outrage'
  111. 'Oxford Blue'
  112. 'Oxford Blue Top'
  113. 'Oxheart'
  114. 'Oxymoron'
  115. 'Oyo Como Va'
  116. 'Oyster Bay'
  117. 'Oyster Crackers'
  118. 'Oz'
  119. 'Ozaki Special'
  120. 'Ozark Welcome'
  121. 'Oze'
  122. 'Oze-maruba-shirobana'
  123. 'Oze Shirobana Mizu'
  124. 'Ozzfest'

The Hosta Helper
Copyright © 1998 -