Hosta 'Ōgon Tachi'
aka H. rectifolia 'Ōgon Tachi'

This cultivar of unidentified parentage is from Japan and was formerly known as H. rectifolia 'Ōgon'. It was introduced by Clarence Lantis of Delaware and registered by Peter Ruh of Ohio in 2002 and re-registered with new data in 2018. This hosta forms a large size mound about 24 inches in height and 40 inches wide. The greenish yellow leaves are ovate, intensely twisted, slightly corrugated, slightly folded, moderately wavy and have a very shiny underside with a slightly shiny top. Deep purple, striped flowers bloom in August on very tall scapes up to 65 inches tall followed by viable seeds.

The registration materials state: "...golden foliage; height of flower scape...obtained from Lantis collection..."

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term ogon or oogon as gold or yellow and the term tachi as upright, 'Tachi Gibōshi' or H. rectifolia.

This cultivar was originally registered as an H. rectifolia seedling but that was changed to Parentage Unknown in 2018.


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