Hosta 'Ōgon Amagi Iwa'

This upright growing, medium size (17 inches high by 43 inches wide) cultivar is a form of H. longipes var latifolia from an unidentified originator in Japan which was registered by Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in 2009 and re-registered with new data in 2018. The leaves start the season golden yellow but change to a medium green color as the season progresses. They are slightly puckered, slightly rippled, have a curved tip and thick substance with deep veins. The petioles are purplish red. Medium purple flowers bloom in September on scapes 33 inches tall.

The registration materials state: "...emerges golden yellow, then chartreuse early, then light to medium green most of the growing season..."

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term iwa as rock, Iwa Gibōshi or H. longipes and the term ogon or oogon as gold or yellow.


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