Hosta 'Okutama'


An article about H. 'Okutama Nakafu' by Akira Horinaka in The Hosta Journal (2006 Vol. 37 No. 1) says,  "Nakafu means the leaf has a white center surrounded by green; this plant also has a green accent line within the white center. This is a form of H. longipes. .., one of the most popular hostas in Japan. It is very similar to a plant called 'Hakuho' and may be the same plant under a different name or a "sister" plant. 'Okutama Nakafu' has leaves that average...[just over 5½ inches] long. It is a seedling from 'Okutama Nishiki', which is green with lovely white-centered streaking and itself a sport of 'Okutama' a wild form found near Lake Okutama-ko...near Tokyo."

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term nakafu as medio-variegated and the term nishiki as brocade (rich-colored woven fabric) i.e. something colorful and beautiful.

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