Hosta okamotoi
aka Okuyama Gibōshi

The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009) says that this plant is "...native to Japan ; related to Hosta rupifraga... small size mound of medium green leaves...petioles reddish...very shiny leaf underside."

According to The Genus Hosta by W. George Schmid (1991), this species was "...growing epiphytically on tree trunks in the shady Shogo Okamoto..."

Schmid says that the plant is of medium size about 12 inches high with a spread of around 14 to 16 inches. The smooth textured leaves are green, wavy and "fleshy-leathery". Its flowers are white on the outside but pale purple suffused on the inside with anthers that are yellow with purple dots. They bloom in September and produce viable seeds.

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "In cultivation, usually seen only in specialist collections."

W. George Schmid in his Hosta Species Update on The Hosta Library (2008) says, "Very few cultivated specimens of this species exist in North American and European gardens and its pictorial horticultural representation on the Web is non-existent. It deserves to be cultivated in gardens and is attractive. Its shiny, bright green leaves and late flowers make for a great show in autumn."



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