There is an image of this
cultivar on the Hosta Library. From the photo on the HL website, it appears to be an upright
growing, medium size hosta with yellow-green leaves and yellow medial
(center) variegation with a greenish dusting of color.
It is a sport of H.
'Gold Standard'
with lavender, funnel shaped flowers from mid-July into
August. This non-registered cultivar was originated by
Dave Chopko of New Jersey.
An article by Warren I. Pollock in
Hosta Journal (2014 Vol. 45 No. 1) states
that, “Roberta and Dave Chopko have a residence in Ocean Isle,
Carolina…"Ocean Isle” is Dave’s identifying prefix…His popular H. ‘Ocean Isle’
was registered in 2006…Other Chopko introductions are ‘Ocean Isle Gold Dust’
(NR) and ‘Ocean Isle Twist’…"