How many different hostas exist? Nobody knows for sure. We have over 15,000 different hosta names in our database with each one having its own page. Excluding duplicate names (two different plants but only one name or one plant with multiple names), out-dated or incorrect names and "extinct" plants, we have descriptive information on nearly 10,000 hosta cultivars, botanical varieties and species. We have 8,842 pictures of 4,153 cultivars and species of hostas.

Included in the list below are ALL the hostas in the database. Each name may not represent an individual hosta plant. We have include every name we have found in decades of searches through books, catalogs, The Hosta Journal and numerous on-line references.  Some of the names are duplicates or outdated and have been replaced by newer ones. A few have been changed as the genus, Hosta continues to be studied by taxonomists.

  1. 'Yaburitsugi'
  2. 'Yae', H. montana
  3. 'Yae', H. plantaginea
  4. 'Yae no Maruba Tama-no-Kanzaski'
  5. 'Yae-no-oba'
  6. 'Yakushima'
  7. 'Yakushima Mizu'
  8. 'Yakushima Otome'
  9. 'Yan Zan'
  10. 'Yang'
  11. 'Yankee Blue'
  12. 'Yankee Blue Lightning'
  13. 'Yankee Clipper'
  14. 'Yankee Doodle' (Goodwin)
  15. 'Yankee Doodle' (Malloy)
  16. 'Yankee Doodle Dandy'
  17. 'Yankee Peddler'
  18. 'Yap Yum'
  19. 'Yarburitsugi'
  20. 'Yarden Blue Surfer Boy'
  21. 'Yarden Yellow Snow'
  22. 'Yashie'
  23. 'Yea'
  24. 'Yeet Nine'
  25. 'Yella Bellie'
  26. 'Yellow Bananas'
  27. 'Yellow Band'
  28. 'Yellow Belly'
  29. 'Yellow Bird'
  30. 'Yellow Blade'
  31. 'Yellow Boa'
  32. 'Yellow Bonkers'
  33. 'Yellow Boy'
  34. 'Yellow Brick Road' (Goodwin)
  35. 'Yellow Brick Road' (Tompkins)
  36. 'Yellow Comet'
  37. 'Yellow Corduroys'
  38. 'Yellow Dog'
  39. 'Yellow Dream'
  40. 'Yellow Duckling'
  41. 'Yellow Edge'
  42. 'Yellow Emperor'
  43. 'Yellow Emperor Han Wu Di'
  44. 'Yellow Emperor Standard'
  45. 'Yellow Eyes'
  1. 'Yellow Fever'
  2. 'Yellow Flame'
  3. 'Yellow Flash'
  4. 'Yellow Girl'
  5. 'Yellow Heron'
  6. 'Yellow High'
  7. 'Yellow Highness'
  8. 'Yellow Imperial Banner'
  9. 'Yellow in October'
  10. 'Yellow Jacket'
  11. 'Yellow Kid'
  12. 'Yellow King'
  13. 'Yellow Ledbetter'
  14. 'Yellow Lollipop'
  15. 'Yellow Moon Rising'
  16. 'Yellow Needle'
  17. 'Yellow Piecrust'
  18. 'Yellow Plum'
  19. 'Yellow Polka Dot Bikini'
  20. 'Yellow Prize'
  21. 'Yellow Ribbons'
  22. 'Yellow River'
  23. 'Yellow Ruffles'
  24. 'Yellow Silk'
  25. 'Yellow Smiles'
  26. 'Yellow Snow'
  27. 'Yellow Splash'
  28. 'Yellow Splash Edge'
  29. 'Yellow Splash Rim'
  30. 'Yellow Splashed Edge'
  31. 'Yellow Spot'
  32. 'Yellow Spring'
  33. 'Yellow Strike'
  34. 'Yellow Submarine'
  35. 'Yellow Sum and Substance'
  36. 'Yellow Surprise'
  37. 'Yellow Swoosh'
  38. 'Yellow Tears'
  39. 'Yellow Tiara'
  40. 'Yellow Urchin'
  41. 'Yellow Waves'
  42. 'Yellow Wedgwood'
  43. 'Yellow Yeti'
  45. 'Yellowbeard'
  1. 'Yellowtail'
  2. 'Yes, Sir!'
  3. 'Yesterday's Corn'
  4. 'Yesterday's Memories'
  5. 'Yezo'
  6. 'Yikes! Stripes'
  7. 'Yikes! More Stripes'
  8. 'Yin'
  9.  H. yingeri
  10. 'Yippee'
  11. 'Yo Mama'
  12. 'Yo Yo'
  13. 'Yo Yo Ma'
  14. 'Yojimbo'
  15. 'Yorick'
  16. 'Yosemite Valley'
  17. 'Yoshi'
  18. 'Yoshie'
  19. 'Yoshi-no-midori'
  20. 'Yoshinogawa'
  21. 'You and Me'
  22. 'You Are My Sunshine'
  23. 'You Can Call Me Al'
  24. 'You Lie'
  25. 'You Light Up My Life'
  26. 'You Who'
  27. 'You're So Vein'
  28. 'You're Welcome'
  29. 'Yours Truly'
  30. 'Yu Lei'
  31. 'Yu-san'
  32. 'Yucca Ducka Do'
  33. 'Yuki-no-jou'
  34. 'Yuki Zasa'
  35. 'Yukon Gold'
  36. 'Yukon River'
  37. 'Yuma' (Livingston)
  38. 'Yuma' (Wade)
  39. 'Yumedono Iwa'
  40. 'Yuuyakee'
  41. 'Yvonne'

The Hosta Helper
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