Hosta 'Yellow Bonkers'


Originated by Ken Ziarek of Wisconsin and registered by Owen Purvis of Elim Hosta Gardens in Wisconsin in 2022, this cultivar is of unidentified parentage. It is a medium size hosta about 16 inches high by 32 inches wide with yellow foliage. The leaves are ovate-shaped, relatively flat with twisted leaf tips, moderately rippled and slightly shiny on top and bottom. Near white flowers with pale purple center stripes bloom from late July into August on scapes 26 to 28 inches tall. It occasionally sets seeds but they are non-viable.

The registration materials state: "Brilliant yellow in spring and the wavy pointed leaves are attractive all year long...turns greener as the season progresses."

There is a popcorn snack food called Screaming Yellow Zonkers.


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