How many different hostas exist? Nobody knows for sure. We have over 15,000 different hosta names in our database with each one having its own page. Excluding duplicate names (two different plants but only one name or one plant with multiple names), out-dated or incorrect names and "extinct" plants, we have descriptive information on nearly 10,000 hosta cultivars, botanical varieties and species. We have 8,842 pictures of 4,153 cultivars and species of hostas.

Included in the list below are ALL the hostas in the database. Each name may not represent an individual hosta plant. We have include every name we have found in decades of searches through books, catalogs, The Hosta Journal and numerous on-line references.  Some of the names are duplicates or outdated and have been replaced by newer ones. A few have been changed as the genus, Hosta continues to be studied by taxonomists.

  1. 'Dab A Green'
  2. 'Dacquiri'
  3. 'Daddy Boomer'
  4. 'Dahlonega'
  5. 'Daido Nishiki'
  6. 'Daihaku Ryū'
  7. 'Daihakuryo'
  8. 'Daily Grace'
  9. 'Daily Joy'
  10. 'Dainty Dwarf'
  11. 'Daio'
  12. 'Daisetsurei'
  13. 'Daisy'
  14. 'Daisy Doolittle'
  15. 'Daisy's Mom'
  16. 'Dakomo'
  17. 'Dakota'
  18. 'Dale's Blue Gray'
  19. 'Dalton's Pick'
  20. 'Damascus Road'
  21. 'Dammit Jim'
  22. 'Dan Dee Dan'
  23. 'Dan Patch'
  24. 'Dana Nicolette'
  25. 'Dance'
  26. 'Dance of Fragrance'
  27. 'Dance with Me'
  28. 'Dancefloor Filler'
  29. 'Dancing Cobra'
  30. 'Dancing Crane'
  31. 'Dancing Darling'
  32. 'Dancing Demon'
  33. 'Dancing Eddy'
  34. 'Dancing Flame'
  35. 'Dancing Hero'
  36. 'Dancing in the Dark'
  37. 'Dancing in the Moonlight'
  38. 'Dancing in the Rain'
  39. 'Dancing on the Sun'
  40. 'Dancing Lizard'
  41. 'Dancing Mouse'
  42. 'Dancing Queen'
  43. 'Dancing Stars'
  44. 'Dancing with Dragons'
  45. 'Dancing with Leila'
  46. 'Dancing with the Stars'
  47. 'Dandelion Days'
  48. 'Dandy Lion'
  49. 'Dandy Randy'
  50. 'Dandy's Pride'
  51. 'Dang Awesome'
  52. 'Dani Adams'
  53. 'Danica Poul'
  54. 'Daniel'
  55. 'Danish Mouse'
  56. 'Danny's Gift'
  57. 'Dan's Darling'
  58. 'Danubie Isla'
  59. 'Dapper Jim'
  60. 'DaPra's Delight'
  61. 'Daredevil'
  62. 'Dark Ages'
  63. 'Dark Angel'
  64. 'Dark Branching Treasure'
  65. 'Dark Continent'
  66. 'Dark Forest'
  67. 'Dark Horse'
  68. 'Dark Knight'
  69. 'Dark Matter '
  70. 'Dark Moon'
  71. 'Dark Nebula'
  72. 'Dark Night'
  73. 'Dark Prince'
  74. 'Dark Secret'
  75. 'Dark Shadows'
  76. 'Dark Side'
  77. 'Dark Side of Paradise'
  78. 'Dark Side of the Moon'
  79. 'Dark Star'
  80. 'Dark Tower'
  81. 'Dark Treasure'
  82. 'Dark Vader'
  83. 'Dark Victory'
  84. 'Dark Waters'
  85. 'Dark Wood'
  86. 'Darke Craig'
  87. 'Darke Croig'
  88. 'Darkest Jungle'
  89. 'Darkside' (Ward)
  90. 'Darkside' (Hatfield)
  91. 'Darla'
  92. 'Darling Dr Doug'
  93. 'Dartmoor Forest'
  94. 'Darwin's Gold'
  95. 'Darwin's Standard'
  96. 'Dating Game'
  97. 'Dauergold'
  98. 'Dauergoldfunkie'
  99. 'Daughter of Goliath'
  100. 'Daughter of Ledi Lantis'
  101. 'Daughter of the Monster'
  102. 'Daumling Felix'
  103. 'Dauntless'
  104. 'Dave'
  105. 'Dave's Dreadlocks'
  106. 'David'
  107. 'David A. Haskell'
  108. 'David F. Mahoney'
  109. 'David Reath'
  110. 'David Stone'
  111. 'Davidson Green'
  112. "Davidson 42"
  113. "Davidson 50"
  114. "Davidson 57"
  115. "Davidson 75"
  116. "Davidson 87"
  117. "Davidson 90"
  118. "Davidson 101"
  119. "Davidson 135"
  120. "Davidson 137"
  121. 'Davin'
  122. 'Dawes'
  123. 'Dawn'
  124. 'Dawn Light'
  125. 'Dawn Treader'
  126. 'Dawn's Early Glow'
  127. 'Dawn's Early Light'
  128. 'Dawn's Morning Glow'
  129. 'Dax'
  130. 'Day Dream'
  131. 'Day Tripper'
  132. 'Day Watch'
  133. 'Day's End'
  134. 'Daybreak'
  135. 'Daybreak Streaked'
  136. 'Dazzling'
  137. 'Dean's List'
  138. 'Deane's Dream'
  139. 'Dear Heart'
  140. 'Dear Mom'
  141. 'Deborah'
  142. 'Debra Sophia'
  143. 'Debutante'
  144. 'Deceiver'
  145. 'Decorata'
  146. 'Decorata All Green'
  147. 'Decorata Minor'
  148. 'Decorata Normalis'
  149. 'Dee Do'
  150. 'Dee Pee'
  151. 'Dee's Golden Jewel'
  152. 'Deep Blue Sea'
  153. 'Deep Blue Star'
  154. 'Deep Pockets'
  155. 'Deep Purple'
  156. 'Deep Sea Dive'
  157. 'Deep Space'
  158. 'Deep Space Nine'
  159. 'Deep Waters'
  160. 'Déjà Blu'
  161. 'Delaney'
  162. 'Delaware'
  163. 'Delaware Blue Hen '
  164. 'Delaware River'
  165. 'Delia'
  166. 'Delicious'
  167. 'Delightful'
  168. 'Delightful Dorothy'
  169. 'Deliverance'
  170. 'Delona's Smile'
  1. 'Delta Blues'
  2. 'Delta Dawn'
  3. 'Delta Dawn Streaked'
  4. 'Delta Dawn Supreme'
  5. 'Delta Desire'
  6. 'Delta Force'
  7. 'Delta Pride'
  8. 'Deluxe Edition'
  9. 'Demetrious Gold '
  10. 'Denali'
  11. 'Denim Jacket'
  12. 'Dennis'
  13. H. densa
  14. 'Density'
  15. 'Derek Coxs'
  16. 'Derriere'
  17. 'Desert Gold'
  18. 'Desert Mouse'
  19. 'Desert Rose'
  20. 'Desert Sun'
  21. 'Designed 4 U'
  22. 'Designer Genes'
  24. 'Desperado'
  25. 'Destiny'
  26. 'Devastator'
  27. 'Devil May Care'
  28. 'Devil's Advocate'
  29. 'Devil's Delight'
  30. 'Devil's Lake'
  31. 'Devil's Poker'
  32. 'Devon Blue'
  33. 'Devon Cloud'
  34. 'Devon Cream'
  35. 'Devon Desire'
  36. 'Devon Discovery'
  37. 'Devon Dream'
  38. 'Devon Giant'
  39. 'Devon Gold'
  40. 'Devon Green'
  41. 'Devon Hills'
  42. 'Devon Mist'
  43. 'Devon Moor'
  44. 'Devon Red'
  45. 'Devon Tor'
  46. 'Devon Tot'
  47. 'Dew Drop'
  48. 'Dew Line'
  49. 'Dewed Steel'
  50. 'Dewline'
  51. 'Diablo'
  52. 'Diadem'
  53. 'Diamond Dust'
  54. 'Diamond Jubilee'
  55. 'Diamond Lake'
  56. 'Diamond Necklace'
  57. 'Diamond Tiara'
  58. 'Diamonds are Forever'
  59. 'Diana'
  60. 'Diana Grenfell'
  61. 'Diana Reeck'
  62. 'Diana Remembered'
  63. 'Diana's Hyacinth'
  64. 'Diane Gray Dalton'
  65. 'Diane's Fancy'
  66. 'Diane's Piecrust'
  67. 'Dianne'
  68. 'Dick Strub'
  69. 'Dick Ward'
  70. 'Dick's Delight'
  71. 'Dick's Green Carpet'
  72. 'Diddily-squat'
  73. 'Dilithium Crystal'
  74. 'Dilli Goldcoin'
  75. 'Dilli Line'
  76. 'Dilli One'
  77. 'Dilli Perkeo'
  78. 'Dilys'
  79. 'Dim Sum'
  80. 'Dim Those Lights'
  81. 'Dimension X'
  82. 'Dimity'
  83. 'Dimple'
  84. 'Dimpled Chad'
  85. 'Dinosaur Track'
  86. 'Dinky Donna'
  87. 'Dinner Jacket'
  88. 'Dinner Mint'
  89. 'Dino'
  90. 'Dionysos'
  91. 'Dippity Dew'
  92. 'Dipsy Doodle'
  93. 'Director's Cut'
  94. 'Dirigo'
  95. 'Dirty Hanky'
  96. 'Disappearing Act'
  97. "Dishon 9"
  98. 'Disorder'
  99. 'Distant Mirror'
  100. 'Distinction'
  101. 'Ditto'
  102. 'Diva'
  103. 'Divine Light' (Malloy)
  104. 'Divine Light' (Wols)
  105. 'Divine Winds'
  106. 'Dixie Chick'
  107. 'Dixie Chick Green'
  108. 'Dixie Chickadee'
  109. 'Dixie Cups'
  110. 'Dixie Ghost'
  111. 'Dixie Ghost Edge'
  112. 'Dixie Joy'
  113. 'Dixie Pixie'
  114. 'Dixie Queen'
  115. 'Dixie's Memory'
  116. 'Dixieland Delight'
  117. 'Dixieland Heat'
  118. 'Dixieland Jazz'
  119. 'Django'
  120. 'Do Little'
  121. 'Do Wop'
  122. 'Doc Adams'
  123. 'Doctor Bill-Bob'
  124. 'Doctor Bob'
  125. 'Doctor Fu Manchu'
  126. 'Doctor Reath'
  127. 'Doctor Yahr'
  128. 'Does not apply!'
  129. 'Dogtown Blue Prince'
  130. 'Dogtown Emerald Gem'
  131. 'Dogtown Green Ice'
  132. 'Dogtown Little Squiggles'
  133. 'Dogtown Luscious Cups'
  134. 'Dogtown Mystic Sword'
  135. 'Dogtown Spilt Milkshake'
  136. 'Dogwood Mist'
  137. 'Dolcissimo'
  138. 'Dolfina'
  139. 'Domaine de Courson'
  140. 'Domino'
  141. 'Domonique'
  142. 'Don Clysdale'
  143. 'Don Juan'
  144. 'Don Quixote'
  145. 'Don Stevens'
  146. 'Don Stevens Green'
  147. 'Don Stevens Splashed'
  148. 'Don Stevens Variegated'
  149. 'Don Viejo'
  150. 'Donahue Piecrust'
  151. 'Donald Samuel'
  152. 'Donauwalzer'
  153. 'Donauwelle'
  154. 'Donhead St Andrew'
  155. 'Don's Gator Hide'
  156. 'Don's Pie Extreme'
  157. 'Don't Envy Me'
  158. 'Don't Look Back'
  159. 'Don't Taz Me Bro '
  160. 'Don't Tease Me'
  161. 'Don't Touch My Junk '
  162. 'Don't Tread on Me'
  163. 'Donna'
  164. 'Doreen'
  165. 'Doris Page'
  166. 'Dorothy'
  167. 'Dorothy Benedict'
  168. 'Dorothy Benedict Blue'
  169. 'Dorothy My Love'
  170. 'Dorothy Rules'
  1. 'Dorothy Willson'
  2. 'Dorothy Wilson'
  3. 'Dorothy's Brass Band'
  4. 'Dorothy's Brother'
  5. 'Dorothy's Child'
  6. 'Dorothy's Wedding Band'
  7. 'Dorset Blue'
  8. 'Dorset Blue Streaked'
  9. 'Dorset Blueblood'
  10. 'Dorset Charm'
  11. 'Dorset Clown'
  12. 'Dorset Cream'
  13. 'Dorset Flair'
  14. 'Dorset Glenn'
  15. 'Dorset Heart'
  16. 'Dostoyevsky'
  17. 'Dotted Fantasy'
  18. 'Double Cup'
  19. 'Double D Cup'
  20. 'Double Dutch'
  21. 'Double Eagle'
  22. 'Double Edge'
  23. 'Double Exposure'
  24. 'Double Gold Edger'
  25. 'Double Pistache'
  26. 'Double Trouble'
  27. 'Double Vision'
  28. 'Double Your Pleasure'
  29. 'Doubled Up'
  30. 'Doublemint'
  31. 'Doubloons'
  32. 'Doug's Gift'
  33. 'Dover Downs'
  34. 'Down Yonder'
  35. 'Downpour'
  36. 'Downright Upright'
  37. 'Doyle's Baby'
  38. 'Dr Bob'
  39. 'Dr. Hirao Tetraploid'
  40. 'Dr. Jamison Harrison '
  41. 'Dr John'
  42. 'Dr. Hale'
  43. 'Dr Miniata'
  44. 'Dr Reath's Green Eyes'
  45. 'Dr. Shuichi Hiaro'
  46. 'Dr Topper Hagerman'
  47. 'Dr. Zhivago'
  48. 'Drachenei'
  49. 'Dracula'
  50. 'Dragon'
  51. 'Dragon Eyes'
  52. 'Dragon Fire'
  53. 'Dragon Heart'
  54. 'Dragon Lady'
  55. 'Dragon Moon'
  56. 'Dragon of the Seas'
  57. 'Dragon Scales'
  58. 'Dragon Slayer'
  59. 'Dragon Tails'
  60. 'Dragon Tears'
  61. 'Dragon Warrior'
  62. 'Dragon Wings'
  63. 'Dragon's Blood'
  64. 'Dragon's Den'
  65. 'Dragon's Dream'
  66. 'Dragon's Eye'
  67. 'Dragonfly'
  68. 'Dragonfly Wings'
  69. 'Drake's Tail'
  70. 'Drama Queen' (Wasitis)
  71. 'Drama Queen' (Dean Stark)
  72. 'Drama Queen' (Scheer)
  73. 'Drawn Butter'
  74. 'Dream Angel'
  75. 'Dream Boat'
  76. 'Dream Catcher'
  77. 'Dream Girl'
  78. 'Dream in Blue'
  79. 'Dream Maker'
  80. 'Dream On'
  81. 'Dream Queen'
  82. 'Dream Weaver'
  83. 'Dreamboat Annie'
  84. 'Dreaming Beauty'
  85. 'Dreamland'
  86. 'Dreamliner'
  87. 'Dreamsicle'
  88. 'Dreamworld'
  89. 'Dresdner Gold'
  90. 'Dresdner Lederhosen'
  91. 'Dress Blues'
  92. 'Dress Whites'
  93. 'Dressed in Green'
  94. 'Dressed to Kill'
  95. 'Drews Standard'
  96. 'Drill Baby Drill'
  97. 'Drip Drop'
  98. 'Dripping Lemon Custard'
  99. 'Driveaway the Blues'
  100. 'Driving Miss Duffy'
  101. 'Drop-dead Gorgeous'
  102. 'Drummer Boy'
  103. 'Drunken Boy'
  104. 'Dry Creek Chewbacca'
  105. 'Dry Creek Grandma Aggie'
  106. 'Dry Ice'
  107. "DSM #01"
  108. "DSM #02"
  109. "DSM #03"
  110. "DSM #04"
  111. "DSM #05"
  112. "DSM #06"
  113. "DSM #07"
  114. "DSM #08"
  115. "DSM #09"
  116. "DSM #10"
  117. "DSM #11"
  118. "DSM #12"
  119. "DSM #13"
  120. "DSM #14"
  121. "DSM #15"
  122. "DSM #16"
  123. "DSM #17"
  124. "DSM #18"
  125. "DSM #19"
  126. "DSM #20"
  127. "DSM #21"
  128. 'Duane's Song'
  129. 'Dubious Behavior'
  130. 'Dubuque Blues'
  131. 'Dubuque Star'
  132. 'Dubuque Sweet Standard'
  133. 'Dubuque University Spartans'
  134. 'Ducet'
  135. 'Duchess'
  136. 'Duffy's Confusion'
  137. 'Duke'
  138. 'Duke of Cornwall'
  139. 'Dumb Blonde'
  140. 'Dumbo' (Pinterics)
  141. 'Dumbo' (Bob Savory)
  142. 'Dumplings with Sauce'
  143. 'Dune Boy'
  144. 'Dungeon'
  145. 'DuPage Delight'
  146. 'Dust Devil'
  147. 'Dustin'
  148. 'Dustin More'
  149. 'Dusty Moon'
  150. 'Dusty Waters'
  151. 'Dutch Flame'
  152. 'Dværghosta'
  153. 'Dwarf Blue'
  154. 'Dwarf Form'
  155. 'Dwarf Grey Leaf'
  156. 'Dwarf Nakaimo'
  157. 'Dylan's Dilly'
  158. 'Dynamite'
  159. 'Dynamo'

The Hosta Helper
Copyright © 1998 -