Hosta 'Bill Brincka'

This is a selection of H. 'Opipara' which came from Japan and was registered by Bill Brincka himself in 1988. It grows to large size at a height of 2 feet with a spread of 5 feet. In August, it bears medium purple colored flowers on scapes that may grow to 4 feet followed by viable seeds.

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "Not suitable for container growing...A virus-free clone...registered to distinguish it from its parent which was originally thought to be virus-prone."

There seems to be a lot of confusion over this fine hosta as evidenced by the following comments from Mark Zilis. It appears that he is saying that H. 'Opipara' is actually H. 'Bill Brincka' but it could also be H. 'Koriyama' which could be H. 'Opipara Koriyama' which is the same as H. 'Mishima Fukurin Koba' that clear?

RE: H. 'Opipara' - Mark Zilis (2009) says, "...'Opipara' (or 'Bill Brincka') should be in every hosta collection...In the 1980s, however, I would not have given this plant such a glowing recommendation. Nearly every plant of 'Opipara' the United States was infected with a virus (probably Hosta Virus X). Fortunately, Bill Brincka... obtained a clean selection of this plant, which was marketed under his name..."

RE: H. 'Koryama' - According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "When I first encountered this plant in the 1980s, it was purported to be a dwarf-size Hosta opipara, listed as Hosta opipara 'Koriyama'. A lot has changed since that time. Hosta opipara is now considered a cultivar (H. 'Opipara') and 'Koriyama' is the proper spelling for the plant (named for a mountain in northeastern Japan). More importantly, 'Koriyama' appears to be the same as 'Mishima Fukurin Koba', a form of Hosta sieboldii!"

RE: H. 'Bill Brincka' - Mark Zilis (2009) states, "...represents a virus -free version of 'Opipara'. Most 'Opipara' specimens in the U.S. were infected with a virus (probably Hosta Virus X) before Bill Brincka imported this clean plant from Japan. By whatever name, the plant is simply magnificent."

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term koba as small leaf, 'Koba Gibōshi' or H. sieboldii and the term fukurin as margined or edged.

An Editor's note in The Hosta Journal (2010 Vol. 41 No. 1) states that, "H. 'Bill Brincka' is a selection of 'Opipara', but without the virus that plagues many 'Opipara' plants. When Bill Brincka brought his fabulous leaves of the plant he called 'Bill Brincka' to the National Convention of The American Hosta Society Hosta Show in Jackson, Michigan, in 1988, it had been feared that all 'Opipara' plants were virus-infected, but his clearly was not."

A Photo Essay article by Steve Chamberlain in The Hostta Journal (2010 Vol. 41 No. 1) makes comments about H. 'Bill Brincka', " William Brincka registered this selected clone of 'Opipara' in 1988. Although it has leaves of a size appropriate for a medium-sized hosta, it is strongly stoloniferous (Mr PGC - Hostas are rhizomatous) and forms a very large plant as it matures. The shiny green leaves emerge with a bright yellow margin that slowly lightens to white as the season progresses..."


"A large, highly variegated, shiny-leafed, stoloniferous, healthy, non-virused plant. It has a wide yellow margin that becomes white in strong light and it runs all the way down the petiole. This is a highly visible and dramatically handsome plant."

The should read rhizomatous rather than stoloniferous.



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