Hosta sieboldii
'Mishima Fukurin Koba'

This is a selected form of the species H. sieboldii from an unidentified originator in Japan that was registered by Kevin Walek (Hosta Registrar) in 2009 and re-registered with new data in 2018. It forms a semi-upright mound about 15 inches in height by 35 inches wide. The olive green leaves have a creamy yellow to white marginal variegation and are slightly rippled, dull on the top and bottom and are elliptic with a tapered base. Medium purple, tubular flowers with pale lavender internal strips bloom in August. At the time of registration, seed set was unknown.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...listed under a variety of names, including 'Mishima Fukurin Koba', 'Mishima Fukurin', and H. albomarginata 'Mishima Fukurin'. The plant being sold is the same as 'Koriyama'."

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term koba as small leaf, 'Koba Gibōshi' or H. sieboldii and the term fukurin as margined or edged.


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