Hosta kikutii

This is a duplicate, incorrect or outdated name for H. 'Kifurkurin'.

An article by Dr Ralph (Herb) Benedict in The Hosta Journal (1992 Vol. 23 No. 1) discusses three forms of H. kikutii brought from Japan in the Minnesota garden of Hideko Gowen.


H. kikutii 'Kifurkurin'


H. kikutii polyneuron 'Shirofukurin Shikoku'


H. kikutii polyneuron 'Shirofukurin Wakayama'

Herb wrote that " 1982 she obtained the yellow edged one, H. kikutii 'Kifurkurin' - it was labeled H. kikutii 'Variegata'. 'Variegata' is an invalid name from Mr. Negishi. The plant has leaves eight inches long by four inches wide. The leaf petiole is one and on-half to two times as long as the leaf blade. It has a chartreuse margin about one-fourth of an inch wide and a center which is a medium green. The bloom stalk is short and erect with a typical bird-head shaped bud. It blooms  in late August in Michigan with pale-lavender, wide-flared blooms....All three of these plants have wavy leaves and variegated edges - they are jewels in any hosta lover's garden!"

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term shirofukurin or shiro fukurin as white-edge(d) or white-margin(ed).


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