Hosta sieboldii
'Paxton's Original'


This non-registered seedling selection is from Europe. It forms a small size plant with green foliage that has a white marginal variegation.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...represents the true form of H. sieboldii grown in Europe and is listed as the pod parent of both 'Harvest Dawn' and 'Hydon Gleam'."

An article about name changes by W. George Schmid in The Hosta Journal (2004 Vol. 35 No.3) says, "The first change affecting the genus Hosta is that Hosta sieboldii 'Albomarginata' is now the correct name for the hosta originally known as H. sieboldii 'Sieboldii' (and later by the name Hosta sieboldii 'Paxton's Original')."


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