Hosta 'Magic Fire'

This sport of H. 'Sagae' was registered by Jan van den Top of the Netherlands in 2004 and it received a U.S. patent in 2007. It forms a large size plant that has a much wider yellow marginal variegation that its mother plant. Also like H. 'Sagae' it forms an upright, vase shaped plant and bears lavender colored flowers from mid-July into August.

Ian Scroggy of Bali-Hai Nursery in Northern Ireland wrote in The Hosta Journal (2008 Vol. 39 No.1) about his thoughts on H. 'Majesty', H. 'Clifford's Forest Fire', H. 'Magic Fire' and H. 'Liberty'. They are similar appearing yellow-margined sports of H. 'Sagae'. He says, "...of the four, my favourite has to be 'Liberty'. It is much better for colour."

H. 'Majesty' - "Of the four, 'Majesty is my best seller...The leaf detail is very consistent, with three shades of green that bleed out into the outer edge, forming almost a pale lime green margin, rather than a creamy-yellow margin...growing conditions play a big factor in the colour of the it is late to emerge it never gets frost damage...leaf colour is muted, not as bright as the edge on 'Sagae' but the colour last on this plant much longer."
H. 'Clifford's Forest Fire' - "I think the problem in the nursery trade has been what I experienced: I got two different batches in and both were different in colour and habit. The leaves were more mid-green onto olive-green centres with a yellow edge, not bright orange-yellow...Growth rate is slow and the leaves grow more flat than upwards, but very compact and tight together...The surface of the leaf is slightly shiny."
H. 'Magic Fire' - Very striking, more like a zingy yellow. It really catches the eye with dark green centres that have much more veining of the centre into the border. Also the leaves are totally different from the other 'Sagae' sports: much bigger with an undulating wave across the width of the leaves like 'waves'; very unusual. The leaves are not as strong as 'Majesty'...Not good autumn colour. I'd say it's a spring hosta. Of the four, 'Magic Fire' is the most different from its parent."
H. 'Liberty' - "When it emerges it is really a show stopper, with a bright orange-yellow margin with mid-green centres. Comes up very upright and unfurls slowly, which I think really intensifies the colour more to the eye, as it has more of an impact when you do not see the centres of the leaves on emergence. The leaves are heart-shaped much more than the other three but the colour and form are much more elegant.
"I only know that I have not sold 'Sagae' since these four hostas came along. The only problem with 'Liberty' is it is slow like 'Sagae' and the leaves get very thin under hot weather (our hot weather is 25 degrees C [77° F], not as warm as in the USA)."


An article by Warren I. Pollack in The Hosta Journal  (2020 Vol. 51 No. 1) titled Doppelgänger Hostas: Fancy Name for Look-alike Hostas, included a long list of hostas which various hostaphiles, published articles or other sources have indicated "look" the same. Some of these are, in fact, the same plant with two or more different names. Others are hostas that vary in some minor trait which is not immediately discernable to the casual observer such as seasonal color variations, bloom traits, ploidy, etc. So, as Warren mentions, hostaphiles may differ as to the plants listed but then, their opinions are based on visual observations and interpretations.

H. 'Clifford's Forest Fire', H. 'Field of Fire' and H. 'Magic Fire'.


United States Patent: PP17524  (2007)

Abstract: A new and distinct cultivar of Hosta plant named ‘Magic Fire’, characterized by its relatively compact plant habit; green and pale yellow variegated leaf color; and light lavender-colored flowers that are positioned above the foliage on strong and erect scapes.


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