Hosta 'Holiday White'

Oops! Sure looks as if this big hosta is labeled as H. 'Holiday White'. Unfortunately, the actual 'Holiday White' is a small size mound of white-centered, green-margined foliage. We will try to get a true picture next summer.

This cultivar was registered by Eldren Minks of Fairway Enterprises of Minnesota in 1990. It forms a small size mound of foliage with pale lavender flowers in July.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "This is a sport of "Krossa L-7" which is the same as 'Ellerbroek', which is a selection of 'Fortunei Aureomarginata'...making this a white-centered 'Fortunei Obscura' type.. .should only be grown by those collectors who are willing to baby it in containers."

A catalog advertisement from Fairway Enterprises (Eldren and Nancy Minks) in Minnesota in The Hosta Journal (1994 Vol. 25 No. 1) offered the following hostas (among others): 'Banana Flip' - $100.00, 'Candle Glow' - $100.00, 'Coventry' - $100.00, 'Formal Attire' - $100.00, 'Holiday White' - $100.00, 'Mesa Fringe' - $100.00, 'Nancy Minks' - $150.00, 'Prince Albert' - $100.00, and 'Royal Highness' - $100.00.


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