Hosta 'Green Fountain'

Paul Aden of New York registered this fast growing cultivar in 1979 as a hybrid of H. 'Green Wedge' (Shaw) × H. longipes but the originator is unknown. This is a large size (22 inches high by 52 inches wide), vase-shaped plant with arching, bright shiny green foliage. It has pale lavender flowers on drooping scapes from mid-August into September followed by viable seeds.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this cultivar "...can be ranked among the hosta "classics". It continues to be admired for its arching mound of foliage and unusual flowering habits...shows very little resemblance to its registered parents, but comes very close to H. kikutii var. caput-avis..."

From the Field Guide to Hostas by Mark Zilis (2014), "A mature mound of 'Green Fountain' in full flower is a sight to outstanding breeding plant,..."

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "A very graceful hosta, best appreciated cascading down walls or from terracotta chimney pots, but also valuable for its showy late flowers."

In an article about hybridizing by Tony Avent in The Hosta Journal (1996 Vol. 27 No. 1),  Tony gives the following comments on cultivars he has introduced: "H. Elvis Lives' - first plant that I have seen to put blue color into a leaf like H. 'Green Fountain'. Some of our newer hybrids with this are truly stunning...creamy edges...WOW!"



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