Hosta 'Fool's Gold'

This plant was first known in Europe by the name H. 'Fortunei Stenantha' but was registered by Peter Ruh of Ohio in 2002. It forms a large size (24 inches high by 36 inches wide) mound of foliage that is slightly cupped, slightly corrugated, ovate and slightly wavy. The pale lavender-purple flowers bloom from late June into July on scapes 21 to 25 inches tall followed by viable seeds.

'Fool's Gold' was re-registered in 2018 to show the originator as unknown (Europe) and that it was named by Roger Bowden.

The registration materials state: "...usually brighter color edge in spring which fade in summers heat...leaf becomes all light green by summer's end ..."

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...the plant is no different from 'Brass Horn'..."

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "Vigorous...The muted butterscotch-khaki leaf margin holds all season and provides a different emphasis in a border with its unusually contrasting variegation."

An article by Warren I. Pollock in The Hosta Journal (1995 Vol. 26 No. 2) states that, "...seeing the new cultivar name 'Fool's Gold' instead of the invalid names " 'Fortunei Stenantha Variegated' " and "H. fortunei 'Stenantha Variegated'." They're invalid because a cultivar name cannot contain both Latin and English words."


"2002 registration: H. ‘Fools Gold’ This name was registered incorrectly. It should have been registered as H. ‘Fool’s Gold’."


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