Hosta pachyscapa
aka Benkei Gibōshi

The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009) says, "...native to Honshu Island, Japan... 22" high...slightly shiny, medium green foliage...very shiny underside...pale lavender flowers...early to late August...This is one of the lesser known Hosta species."

According to The Genus Hosta by W. George Schmid (1991), this large size (20 inches high by 26 to 36 inches wide) species was first named and described by Dr. Fumio Maekawa. It is related to Hosta kiyosumiensis and has slightly rippled, smooth textured, dark green foliage. Pale purple flowers with purple dotted anthers bloom from June into July followed by viable seeds.

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "Increases rapidly. Rarely seen in cultivation...An extraordinarily thick scape, which tends to droop toward the end of the flowering period."



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