Hosta laevigata

According to The Genus Hosta by W. George Schmid (1991), this species is native to several Korean islands and is closely related to H. yingeri. It forms a fast growing, medium size plant about 12 inches by 29 inches wide with narrow, wavy, shiny dark green foliage. The leaves of H. laevigata have more substance and are narrower than H. yingeri. Spider shaped purple flowers with narrow petals and light purple anthers appear from August into September.

It is reported that this species does not set seed readily so is difficult to use in hybridizing programs. However, using the pollen of the species some cultivars have been developed including H. 'Gosan Leather Strap'.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), this species "...has only limited utility as a breeding plant, it still has great value as a fast growing landscape subject."

The New Encyclopedia of Hostas by Diana Grenfell (2009) states: "Closely related to H. yingeri. Good for hybridizing as it passes on the ruffled edges and spiderlike flowers...The spider-shaped flowers have very thin petals. The flower buds can produce more than 30 blossoms on one scape."

H. laevigata was the 1996 Alex J. Summers Distiguished Merit Hosta.




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