Hosta 'Watercolours'
aka 'Kiwi Watercolours'


This form of H. 'Sum and Substance' was registered by Barry Sligh of Taunton Gardens in New Zealand in 2000. It is noted for having green splotches and speckles on the leaf blades.

The leaves are moderately corrugated, have deeply lobed margins, are cupped both up and down and have a long, distinct tip. It has thick substance which  makes it resistant to slug damage.  In late July and into August, it produces large pale lavender flowers on four foot tall scapes.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "...another cultivar named as a result of its infection with Hosta Virus X... Like all other infected cultivars, it should not be grown as it poses a potential risk to any nursery or hosta collection."


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