Registered by
Hans Hansen of
Walters Gardens, Inc. of Michigan
this cultivar is a seedling of H. 'Arctic Blast' ×
[(H. 'Neptune' × H. 'Winfield Blue') × H. 'Joy Ride']. It is a medium size plant about 17 inches high by
46 inches wide with blue-green foliage that has a creamy
yellow marginal variegation. The lanceolate leaves are
heavily rippled at the margins, intensely wavy and have
curly leaf tips. Pale lavender flowers with stripes
bloom in July on scapes 24 to 29 inches tall. It sets a
small number of viable seeds. The
registration materials state: "...Combination of
blue wedge-shaped leaves with curly leaf tips and
variegated, highly ruffled margins."
