Hosta 'Valley's Vanilla Sticks'

Registered by Jeroen Linneman of the Netherlands in 2008, this cultivar is a seedling of H. 'Kifukurin Ubatake'. It is an extremely fast grower with intensely blue-green foliage. A small size hosta, it grows to about 8 inches in height with a spread of around 11 inches. The upright growing leaves are moderately flat, dull on top and have purple dots on the petioles. Pale lavender flowers bloom from mid-July into August followed by viable seeds.

The registration materials state: "...good grower, strong garden plant, blue leaves with purple dotted petioles flower bud resembles a Japanese Crane becomes green with the season "

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term kifukurin or ki fukurin as yellow edge(d) or yellow margin(ed).


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