Hosta 'Valley's Heartbreak Hotel'

Registered by Jeroen Linneman of the Netherlands in 2018, this upright growing cultivar is a giant size (39 inches high by 110 inches wide) seedling of H. 'Valley's Streaked Goose' × H. 'Empress Wu'. It is a blue-green hosta with yellow to creamy white streaked variegation. The leaves are broadly ovate, mostly flat and dull on top with petioles that have the same streaking pattern. Near white flowers bloom from June into July on scapes up to 51 inches tall followed by viable seeds in streaked pods.

The registration materials state: "...Like its pod parent (streaked H. sieboldianaElegans' type), it has huge streaked leaves and makes a good breeder for big-leaved, streaked turns more green and the streaks get more white later in the season."

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