Hosta 'Trilogy'

Registered by Madelon Gilligan of New Zealand in 2018, this upright growing cultivar is a medium size (12 inches high by 23 inches wide) seedling of an unnamed, streaked seedling × H. 'Embroidery'. It is a green hosta with a medial (center) variegation which transforms from blue-green to yellow to white during the season. The leaves are broadly ovate, intensely wavy and dull on the top. Pale lavender flowers with lighter lavender stripes and translucent edges bloom from November into December (May into June) on scapes 20 to 25 inches tall. It sets seeds but their viability was unknown at the time of registration.

The registration materials state: "...Leaves undergo a 'Trilogy' of color changes throughout the season...Leaf centers emerge blue-green, change to strong yellow midsummer then clear white in late summer, always with strong green margins."

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