Hosta 'Transformer'

Registered by Dr. Doug and Mardy Beilstein of Ohio in 2009, this upright growing cultivar is of unidentified parentage (an unnamed sport of a streaked H. 'Blue Angel'). The giant size (28 inches high by 54 inches wide) hosta has dark green foliage with a creamy white medial (center) variegation. Its foliage is broadly ovate, slightly corrugated, wavy, slightly to moderately rippled and dull on top. Tubular flowers bloom on scapes about 32 inches tall.

According to the registration materials: "...emerges with a streaking creamy white center which, in mid-June begins to turn green and by mid-July is almost the same color as the is viridescent..."

The originator made the following comment on the Fraternal Order of Seedy Fellows website: "Truly a surprise plant for all who have seen it. In the spring the center half of the leaf comes up a brilliant creamy yellow with a dark green border. By mid June a transformation is starting and the center goes to a very pale green. After flowering in mid July, the transformation is complete and now the leaves have a dark green border and a medium to dark green center. If you like H. 'Guardian Angel' then you will love H. 'Transformer'. Currently in TC."

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