Hosta 'Temptation'

Originated by Roger Cornitensis of Belgium and registered on his behalf by AHS/G. H. Alley in 2020, this giant size (28 inches high by 60 inches wide) cultivar is a sport of H. 'Elegans'. It is a dark bluish green (133A RHS Colour Chart) cultivar with light yellow green (144D RHS Colour Chart) medial (center) variegation. The broadly ovate leaves are slightly twisted, moderately wavy, slightly rippled and slightly shiny on top. "Corrugation occurs mainly in the darker tissue and often a third color appears between center and margin colors."

White flowers with pale lavender interior stripes and translucent margins bloom in June on scapes 28 to 32 inches tall followed by viable seeds.

The registration materials state: "...Large upright clump of wavy puckered leaves.  The blue-green margins provide bright contrast for the creamy yellow changes to moderate yellow green (147B) with moderate olive green (137A) margins by early July."



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