Hosta 'Spring Gold'


This is one of those cases where there are four hostas with the same name. None are currently registered with The American Hosta Society. The first one to be registered would become the "official" hosta of that name and the others would have to be renamed.


Schmid (1991) lists a cultivar of this name with only the information that it was originated by David Stone of Connecticut and was called "DSM #1". Other sources indicated that This is a duplicate, incorrect or outdated name for H. 'Hazel'.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Spring Gold' (Stone).



According to Mark Zilis, Plant Delights Nursery in North Carolina owned by Tony Avent listed as H. ventricosa 'Spring Gold' that originated in China. It has golden-yellow foliage in the spring but changes to green by early summer and should be a medium to large size plant at maturity. The flowers which should bloom in July would be purple. Zilis speculates that this plant could be the same as H. 'Ogon Murasaki'.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Spring Gold' (Avent).


There is a German cultivar from Heinz Klose with the name H. 'Fruehlingsgold' which translates into Spring Gold.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Spring Gold' (Klose).


In 1981, Gretchen Harshbarger of Iowa donated a  "guest plant" to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum which was named 'Spring Gold'. This was assumed to be a David Stone plant.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Spring Gold' (Harshbarger).


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