Hosta 'Sparky'

A hybrid of H. 'Amy Aden' × H. pulchella, this cultivar was registered by Paul Aden of New York in 1987. It forms a low mound about 6 inches high by 18 inches wide of medium to dark green leaves with a yellow to creamy white marginal variegation. The foliage is heavily rippled and has thin substance. Its medium purple flowers bloom in August.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "Some collectors feel that there are two forms of this plant (one small, one medium-size). This, however, may just reflect differences in maturity between clumps."

I strongly suspect that this cultivar was NOT named for Hall of Fame Detroit Tiger (and Cincinnati Reds) baseball manager Sparky Anderson...but I just couldn't resist including his picture.


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