Hosta 'Purbeck Mist'

This cultivar, described as a Tardiana-type, was registered in 2005 by Peter Ruh of Ohio on behalf of its originator, Eric Smith of England . The small size plant reaches a height of about 11 inches with a spread of 20 inches. Its leaves are nearly heart shaped, slightly cupped and faintly corrugated with good substance. In July, it bears medium purple flowers.

According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), "A specimen of 'Purbeck Mist', donated by Roger Bowden of Devon, England was auctioned at the 2004 National Convention of The American Hosta Society...originated with Eric Smith, who gave his seedling to collector Julie Morss over thirty years ago. Ann and Roger Bowden later obtained it when Julie Morss moved."

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