Hosta 'President's Choice'

This blue-green colored cultivar is an open-pollinated seedling of an H. 'Sieboldiana' seedling which was registered by Steven C. Moldovan of Moldovan Gardens in Ohio in 1983.   It forms a giant size (32 inches high by 60 inches wide), semi-upright mound of slightly corrugated, wavy foliage with thick substance. It bears near white flowers from late June into August.

The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), says that this plant falls into a group in the H. 'Sieboldiana' species and consists of "registered seedlings that have either 'Elegans' or an 'Elegans' sport (e.g. 'Frances Williams', 'Northern Halo', etc.) as a parent. All of these have blue-green foliage and represent the range of 'Elegans' types that can be found."


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