Hosta 'Pineapple Salsa'


Registered by Bob Solberg of Green Hill Farm in North Carolina in 2022, this cultivar is a tissue culture sport of H. 'Mango Salsa'. It is a medium size hosta about 12 inches high by 20 inches wide with dark green foliage that has yellow medial (center) variegation. The leaves are slightly wavy, slightly rippled and slightly shiny on top and bottom. Red speckles from the petioles extend up into the base of the leaf blade. Reddish-purple flowers bloom from July into August on scapes 28 to 30 inches tall followed by viable seeds in reddish yellow pods.

The registration materials state: "Bright yellow foliage with dark green margins and red petioles & scapes...emerges bright yellow becoming yellow green later."


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