Hosta 'Periwrinkle'


Registered by Mary Vertz of Wisconsin in 2020, this large size (21 inches high by 27 inches wide), upright growing cultivar is of unidentified parentage. It is intensely blue-green in color and the broadly ovate leaves are deeply cupped, heavily corrugated, glaucous on top and have very thick substance. White flowers bloom from June into July on scapes 23 to 27 inches tall followed by viable seeds.

The registration materials state: "...Very tough, deeply corrugated and folded leaves that sometimes are folded almost in half...By mid-August has lost most of its blue color but retains a blue cast all season...'Periwrinkle' is a volunteer seedling that came up through a thick mat of Vinca (Periwinkle) vine – thus the name 'Periwrinkle' (with an ‘r’) because of its intense corrugation.  Some of the leaves are so deeply folded they only measure 3-4” from edge to edge, while the leaf width is 6 inches."


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