Hosta 'Pancakes'

Oops! Sure looks as if this green hosta is labeled as H. 'Pancakes' but this is actually H. 'Flapjacks'
. - Mr PGC

This is one of those cases where there are two hostas with the same name. Neither are currently registered with The American Hosta Society. The first one to be registered would become the "official" hosta of that name and the others would have to be renamed.


According to The Hostapedia by Mark Zilis (2009), in 1946, Frances Williams of Massachusetts originated a hybrid of H. 'Decorata' x  H. plantaginea. It was reported to be a small size plant with green foliage and purple flowers. Mark Zilis speculates that it may no longer exist.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Pancakes' (Williams).

Wm and Eleanor Lachman of Massachusetts had a plant named 'Pancakes' and had it introduced into the garden trade through Hatfield Gardens in 1996. Subsequently, they changed the name to 'Flapjack' to avoid confusion with the Williams plant. Mark Zilis reports seeing 'Flapjack' mistakenly labeled in gardens as 'Pancake' as late as 2004.

Hosta Helper will call this plant 'Pancakes' (Lachman).


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