H. venusta
'Ki Nakafu Otome'

This cultivar of unidentified parentage originated in Japan and was registered by Mark Zilis of Illinois in 2003 and was re-registered in 2009 and 2018. It is a miniature size plant about 5 inches high by 20 inches wide with greenish yellow foliage with a medium green marginal variegation. The leaves are flat, slightly wavy, ovate and dull on top. Deep purple, tubular flowers bloom on scapes 10 to 20 inches tall from June into July. The seed set was unknown at the time of registration. By the end of the season, the center of the leaf turns all green.

The registration materials state: "...long-standing cultivar from Japan. Named by associating the Japanese cultivar with its species name...center turns green by mid-summer...(syn) H. venusta 'Aureonebulosa'; H. venusta 'Kinakafu'; H. venusta 'gold-centered'..." 

The Book of Little Hostas by Kathy and Michael Shadrack (2010) says: "Too much sun results in loss of variegation. Ideal, therefore, for a container that can be moved around until the best location is found."

Mikiko Lockwood in an article on The Hosta Library titled, A Little About Japanese Hosta Terms defines the term kinakafu or ki nakifu as yellow-center(ed) and the term otome as maiden, 'Otome Gibōshi' or H. venusta.

"2003 Registrations: H. ‘Ki Nakifu Otome’ This name was registered incorrectly. It should have been registered as H.  'Kinakafu Otome'."

This cultivar was then re-registered in 2018 under the name 'Ki Nakafu Otome'. A March, 2019 search of the Hosta Treasury for 'Kinakafu Otome' resulted in no returns. So, it would appear that it has been officially switched back to this original name, 'Ki Nakafu Otome'.


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