Hosta 'Hidden Gem'

Registered by Charles Kwick of Wisconsin in 2017, this upright growing cultivar is a medium size (20 inches high by 11 inches wide) seedling of H. 'Captain Kirk' × H. 'Carol'. The leaves are medium green, slightly cupped, corrugated, very shiny on top and bottom. Near white flowers with a very light hint of lavender bloom from mid-July into August on 20 inch tall scapes.

The registration materials state: "...Small, shiny, slightly cupped and corrugated leaves...darkens as the season progresses."

The registration materials say, "Plant: 11 in (27.9 cm) diameter; 20 in (50.8 cm) high;..."  These are unusual dimensions and we suspect that they are switched...especially since the comments from the registrant say it is a "Small" hosta.

The Hosta Helper
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